Sorry for bad english upfront.
More than 3 years I dream visions of people that i know or that i dont know.Everything began from 1 night when i dreamed more dreams in that night.Before that I've never had visions in dreams.I literally see what is going to happend to certain people and in certain places and time.Now until this day i dream more than 10 dreams per night.Before 1 year i started to record all of my dreams that i dream .I already have a lot of them recorded.Sometimes i dont remember them when all when i wake up ,so by the end of the week i remember all of them and than i start writing them down so i wont miss any of them .What i dream is impossible to be changed in real life .I have a lot of situations when i know what is going to happend in that moment ,but whatever i try to do it is happening the same thing that i dreamed .Like there is no escaping from that .What ever you do or I its not going to change a thing .I was searching the internet for a long time and i found one unique word for this .Its called Kobayashi Maru scenario .Search it for yourself and you will see what it means .What ever i do i still wont do what i think is the best for all .My dreams are about everything that is happening in the world and the people that i meet every day.Sometimes i wake up in the night and sometimes i dont wake up while i dream .When i wake up i write down every detail .Everything is described in maximum detail .Everything i mean.I see emotions also in people that i meet in dreams.Are they happy ,are they sad ,angry or trying to lie to me ,trick me and other staff.I have described everyone in full details what are they wearing ,how much money they have in their's pockets and all of those details.But something has happend to me 1 month .This magic that i called (my visions in dreams) has started to decrease.This month has pretty small amount of writen dreams .But last night i had a lot of dreams again.I wrote 12 dreams and i think there will be more until this day is over.I ask myself every day why do i have these dreams ,how can i change things in real life to prevent happening or at least make some changes .Every day its the same question and in the end of the day its the same answer -you can't .I have tryed everything from improvising to telling to people that is going to happend to them .Most of the people laught at me when i tell them that something is going to happend to them (good or bad it doesnt matter ).I also dream personal things that are happening to me right now.Some nights i dont even want to sleep becouse i know i will dream again .Sometimes i fear ,sometimes i am happy when things are going as i think they should .Has anyone experienced such a thing same as me .Is there a technique to stop this or to be explaned in some way how is this good for me or bad for me.Are there people like me that have the same thing? These days i dont understand anything .Has this any purpose to me or those around me ? What does this even means? I didnt know where to put this threat so if it is in a wrong place i hope administrators will put where it belongs .Help me please .