Have you ever had a dream where you've been in a strange environment that somehow feels familiar? You've never been in this building or park or city or forest, but somehow you feel connected to it. You've dreamt about it more than once. Yet, you've never been there in waking life. I suppose you could wonder if it were a real place you've been through an OBE / Astral Projection, something like that. But what if you meet people and do things that could never be possible in real life? When you wake up you realize the dream conversation you were having with a dream character was ridiculous and made no sense, or maybe you had seven finers on one hand, or the trees were purple...? You'd have to rule out that the place truly exists...or you'd have to rule out that you (by that I mean: your spirit) has been there. So how do you explain dreaming of this place so often?

I don't know about you, but I tend to visit dream locations on more than one occasion. Places I've never been in real life. Places I know can't be trulying visiting.

So, I suppose what I'm asking is "how are we able to recreate the same environment so many times when we have no real world model to base it on?" Or perhaps that's a lame question. Maybe this is a lame topic to be discussing. But I find it very eerie to have that sense of "deja vu" in a dream. Sometimes our mind is simply giving us the illusion that we've dreamt about that place before, but we haven't...but other times I know for a fact that I've been there more than once in a dream.


Thoughts? Anybody?