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    1. #1
      1 year registered Created Dream Journal Tagger Second Class 5000 Hall Points Veteran First Class
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      Ever since I&#39;ve gotten into LDing, and recording my dreams i&#39;ve been having very meaningful dreams, but also very bizzare. I am dreaming about my childhood, things that I haven&#39;t thought of in years, and things that i wouldn&#39;t be able to remember in normal consciousness. I find myself dreaming about 2 of my friends who i have slowely lost contact with over the last 4 years. They are brothers, and they were my first friends. I am almost haunted by them in my dreams, i will dream about them 4 times a week, and the other 3 nights will most likely be about camping. I wake up feeling like I was with them and everything was ok and fine like it used to be. And whenever I don&#39;t dream about them, I have very bizare dreams, that leave me longing to be in the dream world again. I haven&#39;t been obsessed with LDing for about 3 months now, but i remember up to 3 dreams every night, and i still write them down. Sometimes I feel like I want to cry when i wake up because I long for my nonsensical subconscious. I don&#39;t know how to explain this emotion, but it is bothering me quite a bit. I can&#39;t talk to anyone else about it because no one understands.

      Three nights ago I dreamt about one of my friends. I was in the backyard of my house, my friend was a midgit, he was hanging from a noose out of the tree, and his legs were cut off at the knee&#39;s. I ran over to him to see if he was still alive. He was fine, I said "are you ok man?" he said yeah i&#39;m cool. Then I asked him if he needed help. he didn&#39;t give a direct answer. I thought to myself that he was doing it for attention like an emo-fad or something. Then I went to help him down. I pulled up a chair and stood on it and started untieing the noose. It was strange because I could smell his hair, and it was all tangled and gross.

      I don&#39;t know what to think of these disturbing nonsensical dreams. I would like to see what anyone thinks of this. thank you.
      I am a man. I have nothing to show off. I am just a person withnothingexcept for what I would like to show off, which is nothing.

    2. #2
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      Personally I would think your subconscious is bothered at the moment. Since you&#39;ve been dreaming a lot about your friends as well as bizarre dreams, it&#39;s probably something to do with that.

      Do you feel guilty for having lost contact with your friends? Do you feel as if it&#39;s your fault? Do you guys still talk from time to time? I would say, try to reconcile with your old friends, at least to be in good terms. If you think that you and your old friends don&#39;t have the same mindset anymore, are too different, or live far away, then don&#39;t feel guilty... try to move on. If you miss them, then just hit them up to see what&#39;s been up... a 10 minute call to catch up can do wonders to keep a friendship in line. Just know that life is full of changes, people change, move, get different, learn, grow... to have the ups, you must experience the lows, just don&#39;t bother yourself with it.

      Anyway, I&#39;m not trying to give a life lesson, because I have much to learn myself... but I hope this helps a little bit.

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    3. #3
      Cheese Monger Achievements:
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      Apr 2007
      One night it was cold and rainy. I looked through the window and had a sudden urge to run around in the rain. So I did. Then I stopped all of a sudden, looked directly forward and started crying tears of joy.

      I have never told anyone this. Thank you for reading...


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