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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2008

      Physical Sleeping Position?

      I've two recent experiences that seem to correlate the position of my sleeping body and my actions/position within dreams:

      First, about a week ago, I managed to fall asleep laying flat on my back (was in Corpse Pose for those yoga enthusists among you) which is very rare for me: i usually sleep on my side or stomach. But, while in this position, I found my dream was much more 'active' than usual. I was moving around much more, more physical action and a wider variety of physical actions. Does anyone have any thoughts on 'optimal' sleeping position for 'optimal' range of dream-movement?

      Second, last night I was dreaming I was in this church storage room, filled with stacking chairs. I was trying to avoid detection by several others in the room, so I had moved down in between two rows of chairs. I got down on my knees and pulled my hood up over my head and tucked my arms underneath my chest (I had thought pale flesh would be more noticable than the dark blue hoodie I was wearing). For whatever reason, I woke up just after assuming this position in the dream ... to find that I was in the same position in my bed!! Though my legs were straight out, I was laying on my stomach with my arms and hands tucked in underneath my chest. I think I had only recently assumed that position, because there was only a slight numb tingle to my arms. So, thoughts? Did I assume the position in the dream because my physical body was doing it, or did my physical body assume the position because I dreamed I did?

      I am aware of 'sleep paralysis' (that the body is sort of disconnected from the conscious mind during REM sleep so that movements made during the dream aren't made in the bed) but have never had a conscious experience of it. Does it imply that the dreaming mind is similarly cut off from sensations and movements of the body? I'm not inclined to caulk this up as a coincidence: the position of my body from dream-state to waking-state was far too seamless to be accounted for by mere chance.

      Anyway, thought were some interesting experiences and would appreciate any and all comments and thoughts on them. Thanks

    2. #2
      Join Date
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      I think it was you dreaming it because your physical body did it, but I can't be too sure.
      I've also wanted to know how to lay in bed optimaly, because I'm always having problems sleeping in whatever position I'm in.

      Lay on chest, and my neck goes oooh, lay on side, and my arm goes ooooh or numb, sometimes leg too. On back, my knees try to bend backwards, which is pretty annoying/uncomfortable, makes me go oooh. And there's really no other ways to lay...

      But anyways, if any position would help you in dreams, it would be this.
      Lay flat on back, arms down your side or away from body.
      Legs just going down, not touching each other.
      And I would think a very soft bed would make it better for movement in dreams, although I think a concrete floor would increase the chances for a lucid!

      Anyways, going to bed! G'night 'n g'luck.


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