I think I've noticed a pattern in my last few dreams that have involved either Zombies, Werewolves, or vampires. It seems these creatures appear in response to me becoming angry. I haven't gone digging through the DJs yet to see if this is the case, but in this context, it would make sense that these creatures represent a part of myself.

If they do indeed represent parts of ourselves linked to emotions, then I think the werewolf would be the easiest to identify and understand. It's safe to say that werewolves represent a base, animalistic part of ourselves. Zombies would be a little harder to identify with because of the mindlessness they embody, and vampires are even more complex due to their sexual nature.

So this is the part where I ask everyone to post links to to zombie/werewolf/vamp dreams they've had. Do these creature appear in response to your emotions?