Two nights ago I tried LDing for the first time, and it was a success, for about a minute, it was incredible. I tried again last night, and well I came out of it about 2 seconds after becoming lucid. It goes like this.

I was flying around in a video game like mode, i was superman. Everyone was jealous that i got to be superman. My ex coworker jennifer (who is really hot, especially in this dream) shows up and starts flirting with me. I pick her up and fly off into a river somewhere. I start to lose my ability to fly.... This is when i look at my hands and notice again that I have 6 fingers on one. I am dreaming!!! Again I become so excited that I wake up... so frustrating.

I tried dream spinning, and rubbing my hands together....but I cant seem to LD more than a minute. Any suggestions?

Thank you!