In one dream I went on vacations with my brother, we went to the sea in one part and then we went to a strange tour in another place. In the second dream I was in my house, I didn't listen to some lessons and I ended up turning into some sort of IB, it was like half living in this world and not, there was a hell lot of suffering I felt like some sort of monster, I ended up very limited , I couldn't move much or do things, my mother would take care of me trying to make me overcome that state doing all kinds of energetic stuff, giving me some sort of bathes and trying to explain how I could come back/get better only some people could hear me, then I remember going to a place a and I asked for a guys help, I told him I know you can listen to me! and then he answered me, we were in a house that had view down at the street and we saw that they wrecked someones car , those people went to see and they punch the person that was responsable 13 punches he ended up pretty bad and I tried to help him.
I was in a supermarket, there was a guys competition and they're handing there watches as a bet, I took my watch and looked at it, I thought of not competing. Someone came back from the group as a victor, after that we had to go home and we sat on magic symbol on the floor, when some of us would change position a light colour would change, red , orange, yellow. suddenly I remembered that the correct color was yellow. Some of them go transported, a friend helped me see where they had gone, and he said, they didn't go back... they went into a dimension within themselves, I took the same route, and I was fumbling with somestuff on a giant touch screen and I could see how the years would go by I was getting older and older till I got out of that place and saw a friend, I cried when I saw him saying I missed you so much while I hugged him.
I was in a supermarket with my brother fetching some stuff, I could hear some music there was a carnival inside somewhere , I looked foward and some guy took a lil monkey off a tree.
I was on a bus with my brother , right beside the driver there was a DDR arcade brother: Go play ; Me: You sure? won't the noise bother him? ; brother: ofcourse it won't, go play. I got on it and pressed the start button and I hear music; driver: It's a bit loud!; I noticed it was true but I didn't care, I had to choose a character... wtf I see an ugly guy, I thought whatever I choose him, then I see 5 more ulgy guys to choose and I think okay I'll just choose them and play. Then I'm playing a RPG shooter game with my brother I take out some guys coming from diferent directions. I'm in my mothers car and she's driving us three to a supermarket.
I'd go to very high places and just jump downwards, non ending fall it was cool. I also remember hiding under a bed o.O
My mother was taking care of this creature that a ten centemeter worm, suddenly it went away and it went in to the WC I was scared because I thought it would grow to a giant size. Then I remember being in a platform type of game and taking the shorcuts to own it.
I was in my grandmothers kitchen with my grandmother and my aunt. They were talking some stuff my aunt wasn't feeling good for some reason and she asked my grandmother if she had to see a doc, she answered with a med name I'm sure I listened well but I can't remember. Afterwards I was looking for a glass while I heared my aunt mention that 257.521 pesos would be enough so she could raise another child, I went back at the fridge and started checking how much watts it used... mmm it said manufactured year 2006 , I remember my grandmother had that fridge for a lot more time than that, I saw the amps 3.9 ... that's way to little for a fridge. Then I remember taking ice out and serving me some coke, then I woke up. The first thing I did after waking up was serving me a glass of cold juice, boy was I thirsty .
We had to do some sort of mission or something I like, I remember using the car and being at a ceremony where my familiy members were recieving golden rings and my mother recieved an expensive looking crystal slippers.
I was owning some zombies this morning. I was semi lucid cause I was concious in the moment, though I didn't realise it was a dream.
I was near my father and he was very angry about something he seemed depressive and out of his mind, and started venting at me for something. I was near some statues and I pushed one to the floor by accident, I picked it up and put it in the same place then I noticed I damaged it somewhere and had to restore it. I was in an alley walking fast and I see some dogs running at me. I jumped on a fence to avoid them from reaching me, one of them would jump high to reach me and would snap his teeth.
I just started remembering now... I had a big lucid, total dream time must have been 15 minutes where a lot of stuff happened there were creatures I tried to call Nomad and some others for them to come and see me, my lucidity was high I was trying to keep the things that were happening in my memory I was telling that to myself so I could keep track of all the events that happened and write them down afterwards. I flew on some sort of dragon, when "someone" I called came over... damn I can only remember that detail.
Blue Lucid Green: Non-Lucid Black: Awake Okay I was in my dreams in a very dark setting it was all black like in a void , well suddenly I'm lucid I look far away and see nothing, and I think about summoning Nomad, so I shout .. Nomad!! Nomad!! ... waits for answer... none... NOMAD!!!!!!!!!!! ... waits to see if he appears... nothing... I got angry and tried doing other things. So I'm awake trying to remember my dream, wow was it lucid? yeah... I remember details I can't remember now <.< , what?... what if I'm still dreaming... RC nose pinch damn I'm awake. 10 lucids up to date ... yay.
I was in a convent walking around lots of humid and worn out wood, I knew that we were going to be attacked by a group of creatures that did not aproove the humanities attitude. I could see how they started running away and a anthropomorphic dragon started killing the people I looked at it and avoided cowering away, tried putting up a meanecing presence and walked passed him looking at the dragon, he smiled at me in a cocky way, seemed he was accepting my challange, more like spare my life because of my bravery (all becomes fuzzy after that so I can't remember)
I was at my grandmothers place and I had to give a test on sunday, huh? then I said I had to go somewhere, I was on a bus afterwards and I saw HH a workmate he was angry because the bus wasn't going where he wanted. Then I remember seeing a building and saying, wow that reminds me of another dream I had were I was at this absolutely gigantic dome where I flew from one country to another ( very large distances ) . I said it was identical then I looked again and said well not really but the top is very similar.
I was in some sort of RPG game, well it looked like it, I was in a chamber that had one door Blue wood, like two half circles, the floor was like hard rock, I went in a direction and I thought that I missed a route , I was with two other people their that I don-t recognize now. I went to take the route I hadn't and it went downwards, I went down it till I saw I was in a cave with a hell-a lot of pirate ships I saw they had lots of treasures maps and stuff, so I cheered and thought I'm gonna be rich , suddenly a pirate girl came and started talking to me like an NPC and she said that they could sing a song from the pirate map , in the center of the map their was a circle like a ring, that had the lyrics written around it.