So this morning I got woken up by the sound of music. Every time I opened my eyes the music would fade and go away. Eventually it started to kick in louder and was playing with my eyes open and closed. It was slow indie rock music coming outside my bedroom door. I figured it was my sister and I was pissed that she was playing music so loud so early. I wanted to go out and yell but I had remembered a dream and I wanted to write it down. While I was writing it down I herd about 3 full songs all of them very diverse and different. Then a mans voice came on after the songs were over and said something like "You have been listening to a collection of rock and indie music from underground I just want you to relax and take a deep breath." and at that moment the music was shut off. I got up out of my bed (i was already in a sitting up position writing down a dream) and went outside to find my sister and everyone in my house was gone. I looked around for about 20 minutes just trying to find the source of this music, but I found nothing. Could i have been dreaming? My dream is still written down so that whole part sitting there listening to the music was real. I am so confused because I know this music was coming from inside my house and sounded like it was rite outside my door. Could it have been a dream? False awakening? Or just very realistically in my head?