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    1. #1
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      Either I am getting glimpses of my past life in dreams or I am crazy....

      For the last year or so I had been having dreams so vivid that I didnt even know it was a dream (if that makes sense). They would sometimes happen in clusters, meaning that for a week straight ill have these dreams for consecutive nights or a with a few nights off. They would go away for weeks even months and sometimes I would have one randomly (but it is just as real and vivid).

      Almost all of my intense dreams are about the same thing and all the dreams go in order like I am actually living it out. I am myself, meaning that I control myself consciously but everything I do and say just happens (but I want to do and say those things because I AM that person in the dream). They are so vivid and I can feel the effects physically (i can feel it in my dream) but when i wake up I know its just a dream and didnt actually happen to me. Sometimes I do not want to go to sleep because I would 'wake up' in the dream and have to deal with it. Other times i went to bed hoping to see how things would go.

      All of this surprisingly hasnt affected my life at all except for waking up feeling like I didnt get much sleep...kinda like my brains been running all night. I go to college, have a job, friends just broke up with my last boyfriend last week....i just live a regular life. I have no previous mental health issues - only health issue I have is a weak muscle in my back from high school basketball.

      It feels really weird because I lead my own life during the day but for the last year Ive been another person during the night sporadically when these dreams randomly hit. Let me start the dream from the beginning. They happen one after the other in order but ill just sum them up for the sake of clarity...What freaks me out is that the dream takes place somwhere in Asia a LONG time ago...I am anglo-saxon with a bit of french and cherokee heritage so I dont understand why I would dream about Asia at all. I'm a business major in college so I am sure nothing ive been reading has subliminally filtering into my brain...I'm also not a sci-fi/fantasy happy potter /lord of the rings type of girl I'm more of a gosspit girl and entourage type so again IDK what could have influenced me to dream these... either way this makes the dreams really odd. ..but heres how it goes

      (everythings as if I was watching this through my own eyes but I am a different person. I can't hear what people say, but i can understand the gist of it through implication and what is happening around me...I also felt the emotions of myself or my dream charachter was feeling ....think of it like being in a foriegn movie theater, you dont understand the voices but you might understand the gist of the movie from just watching)

      I am some commander or somebody who gets respect in an army somewhere in Asia (I think its Korea or maybe Mongolia) The first thing I can recall is that I was kneeling or sitting on the ground in front of a row of nobles or royalty with a king/emperor at the end. He and the nobles gave me orders to go somewhere and so I went south with many men. I had two brothers who were of my rank because we all got equal respect even from the officers and generals. I suspect that myself and the other two were all princes sent on a mission. The king did not come with us but 7 or 8 'generals' or leaders of somesort came with us.

      We marched for days on country roads, I was riding a horse alongside my brothers and bodyguard (guessing they were bodyguard because they were also on horses) at the front-middle of the army. we wernt in an 'army' to speak off, most of the men had random armor on and carried assortment of weapons from swords, pikes, spears and were not marching in ranks, just a mass of men. Archers stayed behind the my soldiers, my brothers and the 'generals' who were spread out across the line with their horsemen.

      We didn't kill everybody in our path, we stopped everytime when groups of militia stopped us and asked what we were doing. I remember being angry and yelling at the small bands of militia who did not let us pass and we wiped them out. Most villages or towns let us pass....meaning I was not there to conquer these people just passing through their country or territory. (that was like 4 dreams put together. I woke up after the 4th one and didnt have another for months)

      I went to bed 2 months later and 'woke up' in the dream again. Sometime has passed but my brothers, the generals and my army were still here and we still marched. For some reason I had this weird feeling that I knew everyones names now, even though i havnt had THIS dream in months and I didnt know their names at the end of the last one). One of my brothers names was Aredah and im not sure about the other one, he was shorter and thicker and was in charge of the foot soldiers. My favorite general/best friend was named Saw saw he was a older man with a mustache and had a feathered helmet. I think he was a mentor type of figure because he seemed to be the one I talked to the most.

      Our army reached the sea and we marched into a walled city (why they let us in without a fight I dont know, maybe they were allies). My brothers, the generals and some others met with the king of the town/settlement and gave him gold and treasure. He then took us through his city's port and gave us all his ships. I didnt have enough ships so my army chopped down trees around the city and we spent a long time building ships. Sometime later everybody got onboard the ships and we set sail towards the sun.

      We came to a bay with a small town build alongside the shore. The people were different, they were dressed differently and wore their hair differently than my people, at first they were afraid and some of their men attacked us in small groups (they were armed) when we came ashore. My men had no choice but to defend themselves and killed all of these small groups of hostiles.

      Next thing i know, my army is landing and we started building forts and small settlements (i guess we brought settlers with us) around the bay we landed in. These "others" were facinated by our clothes, armour, weapons and most of all my horse. Dream ends here

      this is my latest dream

      Again, time skipped forward and I was in this fort or settlement my men had built. The "others" and my people were living together, and my troops spent their days coming in and out of the city cutting down forests and farming. Many of the "others" come to our fort town to learn our farming and our blacksmiths. We sold our knowledge, tools and smithing abilities to the 'others' in exchange for food (rice), gifts, gold and service in the army.

      One day we organized the army, with greater numbers and more weapons than when we landed, and we set out from our fort town. The "others" who joined us were in army army or helping carrying supplies with the women and children.

      Everyday we came across towns of the "Others" who refused to join us and attacked us. The others lived in archiac fort towns and used crude looking weapons. They also had no horsemen, only foot troops. They just charged at us, yelling and fighting without any organized tactics. I easily directed our bowmen to fire into the charging "others" , stop firing, then send in my troops who had better weapons and armor than the "others" who seemed just a step or two out of the stone ages. If my men were unable to break the "Others" line then I would send the horsemen around and cut them down as they ran. The "Others" did not have horses, or horsemen only we did. Sometimes the "others" would fight so bravely that they forced my army to retreat several times even though we had superior numbers and weapons. They would pray to their gods and make themselves fearless and drive us out of their lands. Our two cultures are very different, mine is much more developed we taught some of the "others' how to forge metals, farm and built settlements...the "Others" are all semi-barbaric, ignorant, alien, dont have books or thriving towns- just backwater villages and bands of hostile armed men everywhere.

      The last battle we fought was on a open plain before one of the "Others" fort towns. They had assembled a large group although not as large as our army and charged us. They ran through hails of arrows without regard and pushed my men back. My brother Aredah was leading the center of my army and was overwhelmed by a group of charging "others" while I was fighting on the right side of the field. i slashed at people from horseback, killing a few but i thought nothing of it in the dream. i realized that many of the "Others" we were fighting were nothing more than farmers because they didnt wear armor had were fighting us with pitchforks, hoes and spears. some wore armor and were actual soldiers but most were not. They fought ferociously and beat me and my army back, we retreated beyond a hill from where we came.

      My brother Aredah had been killed and so had half of the 'generals', My brother must have been the leader because now I was the leader. Saw saw and another general named Cairo (what it sounds like) argued for a bit and Cairo said we had lost because we fought the "Others" going against the sun. He said vaugly, "The "Others" had expected us from the west, coming the opposite way from where the sun shines, we must attack from where the sun comes to them." So we loaded up the ships we came to the New World with and sailed down and around a peninsula. Our army landed on the other side of the pass where the "Others" fort town was and we launched an attack from the West of their town instead of the East. My men took the fortress, looted it and the leader of the fort and his men who surrendered joined our army. We rested there for a few nights and continued marching east after burying the dead.

      Thats the end of my dreams so far, I am very excited to see what comes next. Its like watching a movie but you are the character you are watching on the screen..

      I drink socially but dont do any drugs, no mental illness, nothing. my only health prb ive had is my lower back which ive damaged from laying basketball in high school. What can this be or mean? Why is this dream so vivid and continue where the last one left off? Why can i remember specifc peoples names like Aredah and Saw Saw? in most dreams i cant remember any details after 5 min of waking up...but these remain in my brain. Everytime i have these dreams I wake up feeling physically rested but mentally just as tired as the day before. its like my brain has been running all night while my body slept.

      Please help me! Is this a past life? this cant just be a dream, its very different from normal dreams which i still have...is this my unconcious trying to tell me something, is this a glimpse into the past? I dont know what to make of it.

    2. #2
      Member iliketoshred's Avatar
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      i wouldn't worry much about it, dreams can be very random and confusing, especially when they are very vivid.

    3. #3
      Lurker RootsInWater's Avatar
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      This is absolutely fascinating!!!! I'm no expert but it sure does sound like you're reliving a past life to me.... I'm jealous!!!

    4. #4
      Member Achievements:
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      yuriythebest's Avatar
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      past lives belong in "beyond dreaming"

      I am some commander or somebody who gets respect in an army somewhere in Asia (I think its Korea or maybe Mongolia)
      no doubt. So many people think of themselves as a past life napoleon or Genghis khan - so few think they were peasants/farmers/shoeshine boys/lepers

      One of my brothers names was Aredah
      mm doesn't sound very asian - probably would have been something like Kim il Song or in that style

      I was riding a horse
      mm again you didn't mention a specific country but in many places _I think_ horses weren't introduced till much later- could be wrong though

      Everyday we came across towns of the "Others" who refused to join us and attacked us.
      yeah - it's quite vague. I'd be interested to know what country that was, clan/group/etc names, etc.

      Dreams can have this snowball effect where if you truly believe you are having a past life dream/Out of body experience/ precognitio / shared dream, then the dreams will snowball till the delusion increases and increases - I'd enjoy these dreams but it's not too good idea to take em too seriously. Dreams can be extreemly vivid like real life and very emotional at times (sometimes more than real life) , that doesn't make em true,
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    5. #5
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      I agree with your first statement yuriythebest, it does follow basic human psychology of yearning for something more (in this case yearning to be a great person/figure)...but somehow I dont think its really like that.

      mm doesn't sound very asian - probably would have been something like Kim il Song or in that style
      I am no history buff but I do know that most modern countries on earth were established originally by their ancestors moving into that land and establishing dominance over it (meaning wiping out the culture and people who previously inhabited it, much like how Americans settled and wiped out the Native Americans). Another good example is England. English people of today are not the people who inhabited Britain a few thousand years ago, they are a mix of the original inhabitants of Britain and Saxons. Saxons from Denmark or Scandenavia invaded Britain and fought and defeated all the native British tribes that lived there. King Arthur is famous because he was a "aboriginal" britain who fought against the invading Saxons.

      I am sure Japan, Taiwan or the Philippines has some history of having mainland Chinese or Korean peoples migrating and settling while displacing the natives through either conquest or assimilation.

      mm again you didn't mention a specific country but in many places _I think_ horses weren't introduced till much later- could be wrong though
      I did a bit of researching just now and horses were in use in China from around 1000 BC because there are instances of chariots and horsedrawn carriges at the time. Steppe nomads in Asia already used horses at that point. If you went "toward to sun" from the Asian mainland like in my dream, you could only land in Japan, Taiwan or the Philippines. An interesting thing I came up on was the fact that Japan is called the "Land of the Rising Sun" because that is the direction of Japan from the Chinese and Koreans. Also the Japanse suddenly started riding horses in warfare starting around the 300's AD, Chinese exploreres in the 100's AD noted that Japan had no horses....so horses had to be introduced to Japan between 100 AD - 300's AD.

      I cant post links until ive been a member for 7 days BUT! If you look up "yayoi period of japan" then a lot of these tidbits seem to make sense. Obviously there is some part of my brain that is drawing parallels between what ive just been reading and my dream but thats just the brain trying to make sense of it all. I am not saying my dream was a past life or of the past but it does have a LOT of similarities with the "Yayoi Period" of Japan which is a time period when the Native Japanese started having contact with mainland Asia and started recieving culture and technology to boost them out of the dark ages.

      I just read up on ancient Asian history on China, Korean, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Taiwan...and everything about this dream sounds like the settlement of Japan by mainlanders...more sophisticated peoples with metal working, agriculture and writing expanding and subjugating a more aboriginal lesser developed people. it would make sense japan would still be still less developed because they are on an island isolated from the mainland....and I know this isnt me just wanting to believe it because I had no knowledge of this before i just researched it 30 min ago.... hmmm!

      Also, the names Aredah, Saw Saw and Cairo are just how they sounded and I spelled it so you would pronounce them that way. Aredah could be spelled -Areda, Ahreda, Ahrehda. Saw Saw - Sasa, Sasah, Sahsa. Cairo - Kaero, Kairo, Caero. Areda, Sasa and Kaero all vaugely sound Japanese, i only know that because I have a Japanese friend with the last name Sasa and Kaero means "to go home" in Japanese according to her. Also in Asian cultures you refer to a person by last name first, so it would make sense calling someone "Sasa" instead of their first name.
      just some interesting facts i came up with investigating. please help me out/ share your experiences

    6. #6
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      Quote Originally Posted by zoho808 View Post

      I did a bit of researching just now and horses were in use in China from around 1000 BC because there are instances of chariots and horsedrawn carriges at the time. Steppe nomads in Asia already used horses at that point. If you went "toward to sun" from the Asian mainland like in my dream, you could only land in Japan, Taiwan or the Philippines. An interesting thing I came up on was the fact that Japan is called the "Land of the Rising Sun" because that is the direction of Japan from the Chinese and Koreans. Also the Japanse suddenly started riding horses in warfare starting around the 300's AD, Chinese exploreres in the 100's AD noted that Japan had no horses....so horses had to be introduced to Japan between 100 AD - 300's AD.
      okey I stand corrected

      To help convince the skeptics here, and perhaps yourself, next time you have a dream like that try to remember specific details and events, cause as exciting and emotional a dream that has some vague battles and is "somewhere in asia" is not that convincing to everyone else as a past life dream, however as a "vivid cool dream" - yes it's that and I wish I had it as well
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    7. #7
      Member Tranquil Toad's Avatar
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      First off, don't take other people's opinion seriously. Whether they tell you it is a past life or not. They don't know any more about reality than you do, and going under the guise of a skeptic does not make them more credible.

      Pay attention to your own feelings and instincts towards these dreams. Do you have strong emotional connections towards the characters? Is there any hazy dream logic in these scenarios (ie, things happen that could not happen in real life) or does it all follow the rules of waking life perfectly? Do any of the details of this land feel natural to you, even though they are foreign?

      I have no idea if these are past life events or not, nor if such things exist. You don't have to choose a belief, you can investigate these things without believing or disbelieving in past lives. However, if you choose to regard them only as dreams and brush them off, then you have made a choice which could potentially close off further doors.

      In other words, if they were past lives, by labeling them as just "crazy dreams" and ignoring them you won't have the opportunity to delve into them further.

      Whatever is happening to you, it sure sounds like a cool experience to be having during the night.

    8. #8
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      First off, don't take other people's opinion seriously. Whether they tell you it is a past life or not. They don't know any more about reality than you do, and going under the guise of a skeptic does not make them more credible.
      agree completely. think for yourself.

      Pay attention to your own feelings and instincts towards these dreams. Do you have strong emotional connections towards the characters? Is there any hazy dream logic in these scenarios (ie, things happen that could not happen in real life) or does it all follow the rules of waking life perfectly? Do any of the details of this land feel natural to you, even though they are foreign?
      dreams can be very emotional. emotional doesn't equal true.

      I have no idea if these are past life events or not, nor if such things exist. You don't have to choose a belief, you can investigate these things without believing or disbelieving in past lives.

      However, if you choose to regard them only as dreams and brush them off, then you have made a choice which could potentially close off further doors.
      here it gets tricky - on the one hand sure, have an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out

      In other words, if they were past lives, by labeling them as just "crazy dreams" and ignoring them you won't have the opportunity to delve into them further.
      again, I once saw God in a dream - then again I also saw the queen of England surrounded by pink floating jellyfish in the same dream. Sometimes a cool/crazy/vivid/realistic/emotional/etc dream is just that, enjoy it for what it is.

      Whatever is happening to you, it sure sounds like a cool experience to be having during the night.
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    9. #9
      Level 5 WakataDreamer's Avatar
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      Something a Brit might say comes to mind...

      "It's a dream, mate" >.>

      Have fun, but remember that.

      You don't have to be either experiencing a past life or going crazy... it doesn't need to be put at such extremes.

      Dreams are often crazy, as a rule.

      Doesn't mean that you're crazy.

      Just enjoy it, I'd be happy to get such an interesting dream plot in my dreams

      im back bitches

      WakataDreamer's Dreamworld - My DJ

      (Very outdated... I'll start a new one when I get some free time)

      Project Pandora [B]
      ~ I'll give this some attention, maybe get it going again some time in the future

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