ok my first problem is that , a few months ago id make several lucid dreams a month , and i remembered two or more normal dreams a day and am able to write 2 whole pages about each in my journal .... but now , i have no lucids at all and i can barely remember a normal dream every few days , what happened to me !!!

the second question is some strange thing that happened to me 2 days ago , it was about 2 PM , and i was in a bus listening to trance and closed my eyes ... i started feeling that im not in my body , im still hearing the music which was kinda stopping me from thinking clearly as it is very loud music , but i felt myself in some black nothingness , i had a thought in mind that i was some kind of lucid dreaming but i just thought "whatever, im too tired to do that" and in a few seconds i woke up ... was that the blackness that happens before you get yourself into a dreamscene and enter a WILD (never been able to do it before )?!!