<Newbie01> remind me NEVER TO attempt an LD again
<Slist> Heh
<Xplosive58> then your still LDing

<Dest_sk> Newbie, why ?

<Newbie01> i had the worst experience last night
<Newbie01> yet i can't remember anything but one thing
<Dest_sk> what expierience ?
<Newbie01> my mom told me i was crying in my sleep and my brother told me he tried to wake me up
<Newbie01> i dont know
<Newbie01> but when i tried to go back to sleep
<Xplosive58> what the hell
<Newbie01> i couldnt
<Newbie01> i woke up a 130
<Newbie01> i just remember trying to do a WILD
<Newbie01> for about 45 minutes
<Dest_sk> u guess that was just nightmare
<Dest_sk> i guess*
<Newbie01> but i dont remember any of it
<Newbie01> i just remember a huge white room
<Newbie01> it was all white and i was standing in it
<Dest_sk> well, it was just nightmare

<Newbie01> then i blinked and it happened
<Xplosive58> you probably have alot of nightmares normally and this made it more vivid
<Newbie01> v_v
<Dest_sk> maybe you have stress in your waking life ?
<Newbie01> thats reassuring
<Kaoisa> nightmares are fun
<Dest_sk> i would love to be lucid in my nightmare
<Dest_sk> i would like to kick ass for all those bad mans

<Newbie01> is it possible to dream and not know 1 thing about it
<Newbie01> my brother told me my eyes were fluttering
<Newbie01> and he said he couldnt wake me
<Newbie01> he told me that was at 1 AM and I woke up at 1:30
<Newbie01> and couldnt get to sleep until the sun came up at about 6
<Xplosive58> Newbie01: you are either lying or have some serious unrelated problems
<Newbie01> i am not lying
<Newbie01> i dont think i live a stressful life[/b]