Hey all, off-and-on lurker/poster, occasional lucid dreamer here.

After a few years of being out of the lucid world I had a fortunate one occur during a nap recently and decided to diligently pursue regular lucids once again. The only problem is that I have only had them via the WBTB method after cutting my night sleep short or taking an afternoon nap.

I'm in law school now and my schedule affords me neither cut sleep or naps during the day.

Now, my WBTB with cut (5-hr or so) sleep overnight would get me some great results (50% to 75% lucid rate every time), and I did this for years, but I have only had one at night a FEW times and they were accidental and very rare. I want to remedy this, so I'm looking for advice from people who have maybe been in my situation and are looking to expand their lucidity to sleeping at night and not just daytime.

Any suggestions?

Specifically, I may have something going for me: I wake up to pee at LEAST once a night. I realize I could use this, but I failed last night and just went into standard REM upon going back to bed. I didn't/don't feel that intense, eye-fluttering warp into lucidity straight from waking that occurs to me during the day. I feel like I'd need to be a tad bit more awake and will experiment more with my night-time trips to the bathroom, but I can't really afford to have it be any longer than ten minutes away from the bed, as i need my goddamn sleep, lucid or regular

Any advice from WBTBer's/daytime WILDers struggling to go lucid at night?

Much appreciated!

P.S. (Yes I do RC's during the day and remember at least one or two dreams each night).