Hey there everyone,

I am really getting into Lucid dreaming again, after having some great lucid dreams in my teens, and early adulthood.

I am just about finished reading through Robert Waggoner's AWESOME book, and am finding out all I can about how to get lucid, and practice the skills involved with staying lucid, and becoming more aware during the dream state.

The first night I started reading the book, I experienced my first Lucid dream in like 7 years. I know this is because I was reading the book, and had an expectation that I would probably start having them again.

The thing is, since then, over a week ago, despite programming myself as suggested to remember to become lucid, before going to sleep, I have not been able to get into the lucid state again since then.

Just wondering how often is "normal" for some of you experienced lucid dreamers out there?

Thanks very much for reading,
