So I woke up in the morning, I actually had a successful reality check, I don't know why the hell I did a reality check, I just randomly did it? I was like "Im clog my nose and see if I can breath" what was weird was I actually second thought it "Maybe I didn't have my fingers all the way over it?" but then I walked into my living room and I hopped on the couch and I imagined myself floating, I was doing 360s in the air, its was AWESOME!!! But then I woke up. After this I wanted to try to get another dream in before I had to leave for school. I sometime woke up and I layed very still, my mind was blank, I kept trying to erase all my thoughts, and all of sudden, I FELT IT! It was a wave that just slowly creeped down my body from shoulders to my feet, then it came back up. After this I started hearing a noise, and I dont mean like A little noise, this fucking noise was LOUD, like SUPER loud, it was like I was next to a train, I remember it being described exactly how I heard it. It sounded like a train and then you hear it bang bang (silence) bang bang (silence) like that rythm. After that I remember like being happy I think I had a smile on my face, I was at the same time scared but I kept telling myself "Its only a dream, its all fake, anything I see when I open my eyes, its not real!" Then I opened my eyes, I FUCKING SEEN something!, My covers were over my head but I swear I seen something looking at me, can I describe it? No of course not, but it was weird because it was real blurry. Then I fell out of the whole Sleep Paralysis I relaxed for a second, then I got up.