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    Thread: Twice in one lifetime!

    1. #1
      Join Date
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      Twice in one lifetime!

      Had my second LD last night. Fantastic!

      I'd slept poorly so when my alarm went off thismorning I just cancelled it - I didn't have to get up urgently. I must have fallen asleep again, albeit a very light sleep.

      In my dream a stranger showed me a deck of taro cards that she'd just bought and I offered to perform a reading for her.

      At that point I began to imagine an ideal place to read cards and the above set-up became irrelevant.

      I imagined awide stone courtyard, clearly very old and long-abandoned. It was overgrown with ivy and the wrought-iron was rusted. Even the sunlight (and it was full day) had a dusty, washed-out feeling.

      I was sitting at a stone table shuffling the cards when I looked at thee very small (and I mean SMALL) graveyard that was on one side of the courtyard. There were maybe 5-6 headstones and a small mausoleum with a stained glass window through which I could just about see a stone sarcophagus.

      That's what triggered lucidity. As I say, in my dream this wasn't supposed to be real, I was imagining it. And yet every detail was perfectly crisp. I wasn't merely thinking about it, I was seeing it.

      I instantly knew that I must be dreaming, and then instantly knew that I must be lucid!

      Of course, I tried to fly - and did in fact become almost weightless - but as soon as I tried the dream began to fad so I stopped, genuinely frightened that it might end.

      I started to spin around - my legs weren't moving, so I suppose I must have been flying... And rub my hands together. I couldn't feel my hands, but spinning and looking at the world stabilised things.

      I was now in what I can only describe as part desert, part construction site. It didn't seem odd to me and I never noticed when it changed, or wondered where the courtyard went. I think from the moment I tried to fly I was gradually loosing lucidity.

      There were some people around, just lying in the sun. I walked up to one and asked her to kiss me (yeah, yeah). No sounds came out of my mouth but she understood and seemed happy about it. she stood, I embraced her and we kissed. Her skin was clammmy, there was that physical sensation, but I could not feel her lips.

      I tried to say something else but again, no sound and I suppose she must have faded away because she wasn't there, but I did not notice. The dream started to destabilise again and I tried spinning but at that point I was pretty much non-lucid and had a very short dream about busses before waking up.

      My first LD was more than ten years ago, and since then I'd never even come close to lucidity again until today. I'd almost convinced myself that I must have imagined the last time but I didn't! It was real and I've done it again today!

      Of course I'm dissapointed that it was so brief and so barely-lucid. But it can be done!
      hashmash89 likes this.

    2. #2
      Padawan Learner hashmash89's Avatar
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      Thats awesome man great job. Sounds like a pretty nice lucid experience. Did you do a mantra or anything like that before bed? I know what you mean, feeling almost as if you must have imagined your previous lucid. I get like that as well but I'm sure its best to stay confident.

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