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    1. #1
      Lurker specterplur's Avatar
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      trouble with WILD's and three vital questions

      every time i try to WILD im never able to see HI. i lay in a comfortable position after reading and thinking about lucid dreams for about 2 hours before i go to bed, and while im laying there i just imagine me laying in some serine place looking at the clouds and if an irrelevant thought pops it way into my mind i try to picture it forming into a cloud and drift away. i lay there for about 7 to 18 minutes and nothing. i fully understand how to go about WILDing from reading almost everything on this site and multiple other sources but none seem to give me what i need to know based on my situation.
      i've never had a lucid dream but have always been healthy obsessed with dreaming. i've always loved dreaming and saw it as a way to escape as corny as it sounds. i just need to know how to further my lucid dreaming with the help of people who have actually lucid dreamed.
      i just want to know three things for you guys
      1. how long does it take to first see and feel hypnogoic imagery and what does it look like to you.
      2. what did/does it feel like when you first become lucid in a dream. by that i want a detailed experienced please
      3. what kind of progress should i notice when getting better at dream recall.

      sorry for such a long post, it also being my second post, but i really think that answering those questions and adress my problem with WILD's would help me greatly and i hope that you guys can help out a new comer to lucid dreaming
      Some bars i wrote about lucid dreaming:
      what is this, where am I? please tell me where have i been
      these scenarios i can't recall, please tell me again
      why am i surrounded by each and everyone of my friends
      'hey john, i think that your asleep' wait, whatchu mean?
      i look around, searching for all the clues i've seen
      just hoping that i'll see a sign, and wind up in a lucid dream

    2. #2
      Member Reclypso's Avatar
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      1) Some people don't see them, you could just go straight into the dream. Practice visualization for this problem, don't move your eyes, and just let your body fall asleep.

      2) It feels like you just opened your eyes in real life, and lots of times it looks like real life. Your eyes just flicker open like when you wake up in the morning with the sun in your eyes, and your dream scene is there. That's how it is for me anyway.

      3) You should be able to see your dream journal entry's get longer and more detailed as you get better. They don't have to be all perfect and vivid just more than not, that will show your progress. When your dream recall gets better you will probably have a lucid right away or have some close experiences like semi lucidity.

      Note** I do not feel SP when I go into a dream, and you might not either so instead of waiting for SP just wait for the dream itself.

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