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    Thread: What are DREAM GUIDES?

    1. #1
      Member DawnMarie's Avatar
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      Post What are DREAM GUIDES?

      I've read about it while lurking on the forums but I have no idea what a dream guide is. Could someone help explain?

    2. #2
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      Well they are a dream character, but a special one. It's sort of like your subconscious manifested into a dream character. They know all about you, well, because it is your subconscious basically, or a key to it more so. You can ask it questions, about anything. It might take a while to find him/her/it but you will if you try, sometimes they are not ready for you to find it, so you have to wait.
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    3. #3
      Member DawnMarie's Avatar
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      That sounds very interesting. I hope to meet mine soon, then.

    4. #4
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      Wiki Definition. Namaste

      A dream-guide is a Spirit guide active during dreams, particular during fully lucid dreams.

      DawnMarie likes this.

      "when you fall unconscious, what your mind expresses is a dream.
      When you are aware, what your mind expresses is creativity. It creates your life.
      When you are in a higher state of consciousness, it not only creates the life of whatever you want, but also on whom ever you want". -LifeBlissFoundation

    5. #5
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      Is that supposed to be Jesus?

    6. #6
      Member DawnMarie's Avatar
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      In the picture or in general?

    7. #7
      Member Tenant's Avatar
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      In the picture, I can't quote it because I registered like three days ago

    8. #8
      Member DawnMarie's Avatar
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      Idk, it kind of looks like jesus. lol.

    9. #9
      Member Tenant's Avatar
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      I've heard about people meeting with relatives that passed away or these dream guides - isn't just you talking to yourself? I'm mainly interested in being lucid to do all kinds of strange things, talking with people isn't one of them I think it's essentially talking to yourself.

      Maybe someone who's talked with their dream guide can shed some light on this for us?

    10. #10
      Member DawnMarie's Avatar
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      Yeah, I'd like to get some info from someone who actually has talked to their dream guide. It seems pretty freaky, and how do you know if something like that really exists?

    11. #11
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      It's not a spirit, it's a manifestation of your own subconsious. It has little difference than any other dream character, just that it is much more knowledgable about the dream world.

    12. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by Tenant View Post
      I've heard about people meeting with relatives that passed away or these dream guides - isn't just you talking to yourself? I'm mainly interested in being lucid to do all kinds of strange things, talking with people isn't one of them I think it's essentially talking to yourself.

      Maybe someone who's talked with their dream guide can shed some light on this for us?
      Well the relatives they met could simply be dream characters that look like them. As ninja said, dream guides are just fuller manifestations of your subconscious. So yes, its just like talking to yourself, even with any of your dream characters, but more so with the DG. You could also meet your spirit guide (if you believe in it) I have tried to find mine (spirit guide) before, was sort of successful. I have found my DG though.

      here is some info on spirit guides, this is not the same as a dreamguide, i am sort of getting off topic, but here is the link.
      What Is a Spirit Guide? - Types of Spirit Guides
      From my rotting body,
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    13. #13
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      Are you supposed to meet a dream guide? I've been lucid dreaming since I was 7 (I'm almost 19) and have never met a "dream guide."

    14. #14
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      Quote Originally Posted by ilovefrootloops View Post
      Are you supposed to meet a dream guide? I've been lucid dreaming since I was 7 (I'm almost 19) and have never met a "dream guide."
      well its more of a thing you try to do, they can come to you but its more probable that if you search for it, it will be more likely to reveal itself.
      you could have met it but just not remembered.
      From my rotting body,
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      -Edvard Munch

    15. #15
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Here are some excerpts from dreams I had about my dream guide, my gargoyle brother, Xaphor:

      I was in outer space, alone. Zaphor, the red dragon-man, my dream guide was talking to me, floating in a cloud. "Everything is a dream. Your waking life is a dream. You have power over your waking life. Make lots of money, and it will give you power as lucidity does. You are suffering, and you will suffer more. You are no longer phobic of paperwork. All your fears will be conquered here. This is going to take time. You must be patient with yourself and never quit. That is the most important thing. Quitters never ever win. Just as you have broken free from your own limitations and the limitations others have placed on you in the dream world, you must break free first from the limitations you place on yourself in your waking life. Then, your mind will be free, and power will begin flowing to you. Money will give you power over your own life, and freedom from the limitations others place on you.
      You are suffering, and you will suffer more.
      I will be here in your dreams to guide you. You have friends in the dream world that you now know are real. You have fought gods. The gods are not dream characters created by your mind. They are real spirits. All view the gods differently. You see them as gods of the Hawaiians and Greeks.
      You have spirit guides to aid you in waking life. You know who they are, and you will meet more.
      You are suffering, and you will suffer more. Write down your night dreams. Hold on to your day dreams. Use the present to change the future. Alter your reality for a better life."
      Then, he was no longer a dragon-man, but a great red dragon in the sky. He blew fire on me, and I screamed as I was engulfed in flames. I felt no pain.
      "It's burning away, it's all burning away." I heard a voice as my dream body burned away. There was only my energy left. I felt pure.

      I was in a meditation room I created in my living ficus house. There was small shrine with some figurines on it: an angel, a man-bat, a human, an elephant, a blue dragon, and a golden dragon.

      Above the shrine was a great mirror. The mirror had a beautiful frame, like dark silver with hints of gold, wrought into the shape of two dragons. I saw Zaphor, my red dragon guide floating on a cloud in the mirror.
      "How do I increase clarity?" I asked him.
      "Open your eyes, he said."
      He faded into the background slightly, and I saw my own face. "Open my eyes, open my eyes," I said to myself. Suddenly, my third eye popped open, and looked around. It startled me. I looked at it. It was the most vivid thing I have ever seen in a WILD. It had a blue iris, and thick black lashes.

      I was in the meditation room of my living house. I was looking in the mirror at my third eye. I stood up and walked around. I could see everything glowing, and what it appeared to be previously was a faint overlay image. I felt extremely disoriented. I walked around, and left my house. Everything still looked like that.
      "Ack! What is this?" I grabbed my head.
      "What you are seeing," said a voice which I recognized as Zaphor, "is the energy of all things. The archetype images created by your own mind is now gone, and you are seeing the truth beneath." I walked around looking at the energy. It was fascinating, confusing, and completely disorienting. I felt like I had some kind of mental vertigo. "I don't know if I want to see everything like this!" I said to no one. "I feel so confused!"

      I was in the meditation room of my living ficus house, sitting on a zabutan, a square Japanese sitting pillow, meditating in front of my dragon mirror above my shrine. I saw Zaphor in the mirror, floating benignly. He seemed to smile at me, though his expression didn't change. "Hello, Gargoyle," he said. Suddenly his image stretched out behind him into infinity. "Is that my name?" I asked in a thousand voices. He laughed a thousand gargoyle laughs. "No, it is what we are, brother."

      Suddenly he and I were flying through space each in our own bubble, and Zaphor was a red gargoyle, and I was a sky blue gargoyle. We were zipping around through the universe. He spoke to me quickly telepathically.

      You are in reality. All is real. Everything you see is real. Nothing is everything, and everything is nothing. Existence is infinite. You are infinitely less and infinitely more than a speck in the sea of existence. We are connected to everything because of existence. Separation of self is an idea for survival, but we are incessantly united. Everything is the same. Nothing is real. The Void is a real place, which doesn't exist, never has existed, and never will. The Void is within and without you. Foolishness is wisdom, and wisdom is for fools. The merry at heart are righteous, the sad are blameless, the angry ones pity, and the evil ones destroy themselves out of necessity.

      None of this is true,
      but you understand the meaning.
      Deep goes the tunnel
      for the one truly dreaming.
      Close your eyes now,
      and you can see what you are seeing.
      Open your heart,
      because that's what does believing.
      Your mind is a tool,
      but it's deception is convincing.
      Create the world you want,
      then be open to receiving.
      Nothing is coming,
      and everything is leaving.
      Inhale nothing to
      know that you are dreaming.
      Inhale nothing to know
      that you are dreaming.

      Zaphor, my dream guide the red gargoyle appeared to me, floating in a cloud in lotus position.
      "You have questions," he stated simply.
      "All this... is it all real?"
      "You already know the answer, my brother."
      "Why do you call me brother?"
      "We are gargoyles. Look at yourself. I looked at myself." I was a sky blue gargoyle.
      "I don't understand."
      "Yes, you do."
      "But, Koomo calls me brother."
      "He is your blood brother. I am your birth brother."
      "My spirit guides, are they with me, even now?"
      "Michael is here, as he always is." I felt an angel embrace me from behind. I felt a calming peace.
      "Koomo is fighting. He calls for your aid. Arm yourself, and go to him now." Zaphor disappeared.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    16. #16
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      I'd love to meet my dreamguide! I wonder if I already have somewhere...
      I've asked for him/her/it twice while lucid but I still haven't as far as I know.
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    17. #17
      Member Tenant's Avatar
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      Damn WalkingNomad, that's an intense and very inspirationa dream. *respect*

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