I first learned about lucid dreaming in 2007 ish. I did it for a while, and kept a dream journal filling 1-2 pages a night. At that point, I had I think 9 lucid dreams, probably in about a years time.

After that, my wife and I, had our first child, and a couple years later, we had our second. They are 1.5 years, and 3.5 years now. Obviously from the lack of sleep with kids, and all the responsibility, I didn't have time to even think about lucid dreaming.

Now that the kids aren't infants anymore, over this last week, I rediscovered lucid dreaming, and actually had my first LD in years within 2 days of keeping my dream journal again (only lasted about 30 dream seconds, though).

Onto my problems. Since having the kids, I haven't been able to fall asleep easily. It will usually take me an hour or so on a good day. Tried all the relaxation techniques and anything else I could find. Have got a prescription...Ambien... but I don't really dream much when I take it, and dream recall when I do take it is sketchy, if I can even remember anything at all.

I'd just like to see if there are tips for falling asleep. I think that is my first battle to win before I work on the other aspects of going lucid.