I'm sure you've all heard of people saying they are Light Sleepers, or some saying that they are deep sleepers and wouldn't wake up if their house roof fell in.

Can some dreams be deeper than others, or is all of REM just the same?
Does the 'depth' effect how vivid dreams are?
And, does the depth effect how easy it is to become lucid?

Personally i would rate my early morning dreams as Deep, and dreams around 7am+ when i'm dosing are Light. Lucid dreams late at night (early in the morning) seem more vivid. I find that it's easier to become lucid in Light (early morning) dreams, but they aren't as vivid as earlier ones, and less fulfulling, because i usually wake up.

In regards to waking up, i think in these surcumstances it would have happened anyway. I become lucid because i'm waking up, not waking up because i'm lucid. Its the lightness which makes me become lucid.

So a problem i have early in the morning is becoming lucid right before i wake up. I think increasing the vividness of the dream makes it deeper, which makes you less likely to wake up. So 'light' sleep -> waking up -> lucidity -> vividness techniques -> stop waking up -> makes the sleep deeper.

Note: i'm not saying its impossible to become lucid while in 'deep' REM. Just that 'Light' REM makes you more likely to become lucid.
