hi guys. just a little help here. its my 3rd lucid using a DILD and of course they were not that great. blurry (though not that blurry, but cant call it vivid), fragments (not full yet, getting closer) and stuffs. I started a couple of months ago . But something is bugging me. I got this new info about feeling your body sleeping while your in a dream. But I have not felt that, not once, or maybe its just not that strong to make me feel that while I'm in the dreamworld. But my question is. when your LDing, is it necessary to feel "that"? like its a proof that i'm LDing? cause if its like that, it mean those were not LDs.

If the question above is answered and is not entirely correct then I have a problem when I go LD. I mean the stuffs about controlling the dream. I had this one where I became lucid at the near ending of the dream. At first (Non lucid) I'm being chase by a witch in a small village then when I escaped from her, somewhere at the road far away from the village, when things got calm I question my reality and "BOOM!" I got lucid. I even bit my finger there (didn't feel the body ). But the knowledge of the "story" made me feel afraid. But I keep repeating "This is a dream, this is a dream. get back at her, this is a dream and nothings gonna happen to you" but I can't. And I then somehow followed the plot, and kinda fall out of lucid. (also can't create a bazooka or something they said its a good way of countering nightmares lol)

and my another question here is this, is the "conscious" in waking life not fully intact when you enter the LD? I mean I didn't ask the subconscious (there was a guy who picked me up at the road) about stuffs. I mean always do that but at that time I didn't, and when I woke up I was like "why the hell I didn't ask him this and that" lol. or just engulfed by my fear