Hello everybody, I'm new to the site. I appreciate that this is here and would like to share my situation.

I need some help with a dream I had, which I'm not sure was lucid or not.

I had two previous dreams and I ended up in a white room, like a purgatory, nothing but white, and I couldn't see the floor, but I was standing on white. I realized I was dreaming and I tried flying in the dream, I couldn't take off. I tried imagining things in my mind, and nothing would conjure up in front of me.

Finally I tried breathing extremely fast and shaking myself to wake up since things were getting boring fast and I actually ended up waking up in real life. I was a little disappointed I couldn't make anything happen, I'm not sure it was a lucid dream but I thought it was due to me waking up like that.

Any help with this? I had always been interested in lucid dreaming but never actually took the time to make it happen. What happened? Any tips, experiences? What was my problem? Thanks.