How do I compare to you?

This is my experience:

I "didn't" dream for about 4-5 years, I simply didn't remember them.
Then, while browsing the cesspool of the internet, I found a thread about LDing.
After a day of research, and finding this site, I had a 3-10 second lucid dream. It felt like I was watching a movie, anyway, I was sucked out of it.

3 and a half weeks later I had a lucid dream in which I had full control over me. It wasn't vivid and didn't feel much (a sheer lack of feeling), none the less it lasted a good half hour to an hour...maybe more.

How do I compare to you?

I am aware things move very quickly for some and can take months for others, even years...

I need a reality check/anchor to see where I fit in.

I also just realized I sound like a pompous a***hole
I blame my schizophrenia for it.
But seriously I don't mean to be self centered