Dear Classico,
Essentially, what we have here is a situation in which your waking self is somewhat shy, and your dream self isn't. This is to be congratulated. Some people have shy dream selves.... people have written in saying that their dream recall totally dropped off after having had one of those 'caught out in public naked' dreams -- so embarrassed were they that on some level they can't bear to go back to dreaming. But you are quite comfortable in dreams, or, rather, your dream self is quite comfortable.
Perhaps it is meant to be a confidence building situation. I can remember dreams in which I sang and played in public, and, subsequently, I went on to play and sing in public. I suppose it allows one to have some level of certainty that one is indeed capable of such things.
And about languages, presently I am wading through Mandarin Chinese. Just yesterday I was jumping for joy in a restaurant, and a friend asked me what the big deal was, and I had to say that I understood what one of the servers was saying. The owner of the restaurant, who prides himself with being both a scholar of Mandarin and of English, has decided to have me encouraged by telling his workers to only feed me as I can negotiate my purchases in Chinese. All of these people can speak english quite well, but it all reverts to Chinese when I walk in, and certainly impressed my friends, and scares them alittle bit too, until they are themselves reassured with some English.
My first working foreign language was another language from the Far East. I had been a Volunteer, teaching English as a Second Language in the Country. I used the native tongue for not much more than the merest of polite exchanges and to order food. I really thought I knew hardly any of it, and had not much time to learn it, as the natives kept me quite busy doing what I had come to do, which was to teach english, english and more english. But then, on a interlude in the Capital, one of the other Volunteers had invited to the Country this wonderfully cordial man from Switzerland, with amorous promises which she could not fulfill, since she had very recently become engaged to one of the Natives. So she foisted the gentleman off upon me. My, but he was a good sport about it all. And he wanted to see everything and go everywhere, and mostly he wanted to get everybody's opinion upon each and everything there was to know or experience, and caste me in the role of his interpretor. My God, I had not known it until then, but I was able to speak the language, since I was forced into it.