So I've been getting these really strange dreams, and they all started suddenly. Or, this guy might have been already in my dreams, stalking me, but I only realized it until now. Most of the dreams were of me about to die (in any way, for example, randomly appearing in a war zone. Then this guy would just appear out of no where and bring me to safety. How cheesy. But weird.)

First dream segment:
(These dreams are really short)
I walk onto the subway, not really knowing where I wanted to go, so I just let the train take me somewhere. I sit down, and the only other person on the subway was this strange man dressed in a long black trench coat, sitting directly across from me. He had his hood over his head, and he kept looking at the blank floor. I didn't want to seem creepy, but my attention kept pulling me back towards him. I felt like he somehow knew that I was staring at him, because, right when I looked at him, he glanced up to me, his dark hood slipping off his head. He looked about the same age as me, and I remember him having really dark, yet vibrant amber eyes. His piercing stare scared me, making me extremely uncomfortable, so I quickly looked away.
"Who are you?" My words slipped right out of my mouth. It felt as if someone had forced me to say them. I was looking at my hand gripped to the subway pole, as I said those words.
Suddenly, the subway stops, and the doors open. The mysterious guy gets off the subway. I quickly peer back at him one more time and see the doors have already closed, but I could see through the glass windows that he was looking right at me. Something makes me need to know who he is. But I wake up in the middle of the dream, with shallow breathing.

So that was the first dream. I've had more, I just don't really want to write them all down because it's extremely long and confusing. Oh, and by the way, he would never talk to me in the dreams, no matter how hard I tried. Anyways, you get the point--he keeps appearing in my dreams, blah blah....but here is the weird part...

(now i am in real life)

My brother and I go to a college open house, because we are looking at colleges. We go into a class room and listen to the presentation. I found it to be one of the most boring presentations ever, until I turned my head to look out the window. In the corner of my eye, I see the same exact guy in my reoccurring dreams. My heart skipped a beat. I didn't know what to do, I had so many mixed emotions at that moment. He looks back at me, with a smile. Something made me realize how attractive he was. And all this time I didn't know until then. In embarrassment, I turn away and start fiddling with a pencil. I could still feel his stare behind me. (There were four rows of tables, I was in the front, he was the second to the front table) I whispered to my brother that I'm going to use the rest room, but really I just wanted to see that guy. (don't worry I'm not a creep, lol ) I got up from my seat, and so did the dream guy. I didn't look back, and just headed straight for the door, but the guy got to the door first and he opened it for me. I looked up at him and said thank you. FINALLY, he replies back to me and, weird enough, says, "You're welcome. I'm Orion."
"Corina..." I respond nervously. I walk out the door, trying not to disturb the class. He follows.
"Hmm. That's strange..." his voice trailed off.
"No, it's not that I don't like the name, it's just that..." Orion looks at me, a puzzled look on his face. "You look familiar. Are you from around here?"
"Yeah." I nod. This guy needs to really stop giving me mixed feelings.
"Oh. Well, nice to see you again." He shakes my hand and walks down the hall.

And so that's pretty much it. (I swear this happened, I'm really really confused!)

This just happened today, and I was too excited to wait, so I just wrote it now. I'm thinking of posting back tomorrow and seeing if he comes back in my dreams? Maybe?
