My suggestion: Self-awareness.
ADA has caused stress for many people.
Self awareness is just being aware of your general self. Know that your alive. Know that you have an effect on yourself with everything you do, know that everything others do, has an effect on you.
Baaically, just pay attention to your life: Pay attention to everything you do, and everything around you. ( You dont have to focus on your breathing like with ADA, that would drive a person nuts haha)
The way i practice self awareness is by living my life as if i was in a dream 24/7. I know that i'm dreaming, there for i pay attention to everything i am doing. In otherwords, i am 'lucid' 24/7.
By me being lucid 24/7, my being aware will eventually transfer over into my dreams and make me lucid alot (:
When i find myself un-aware, i bring myself back to awareness with a simple reality check.
You could also be self aware by :
-Day dreaming and getting "Lucid" in said day dream
-Keeping the thought that you could be dreaming at any given time in your mind
As you can see, there are many ways one can be self aware. Different people have their own personal methods for being self-aware. They find what works best for them, and they stick to it.
Overall though, no matter how a person practices self awareness,
One thing they have in common with others who are practicing SA is that in the end: They are aware of themselves.
I find that ADA causes many people to give up on LD'ing.
Self awareness is pretty much an easier version of ADA, all the while pretty similar.
Hope i helped