I have been able to have 4 lucid dreams till know, as normally i will use WBTB method, I will wake up after 4 hours of sleep and put my headphones on listening to sleep hypnosis willing to induce sleep paralysis, after 40 minutes or so i get bored of waiting though i get the tingling and numbness feel all over my body so I will get my headphones of my ears, roll over and try to fall asleep. After 1-3 minutes i start to get the hypnagogic sensations, i see thing and hear things sometimes, usually I will enter my dream from this stage. This is the technique I've been using for lucid dreaming is it WILD or what? I'm not really sure. So my main question is: is it possible to have an obe from the hypnagogic sensations stage??? (Excuse my bad English)