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    Thread: Could you reprogram your subconscious to give you a lucid dream every night?

    1. #1
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      Could you reprogram your subconscious to give you a lucid dream every night?

      For example, can you ask a dream character to give you a lucid dream every night or something similar? Would it work?

    2. #2
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      I've seen this idea come up a lot, but I have yet to see anybody who has made it work. I don't think it would cause somebody to lucid dream every night.

      Going from non-lucid dreaming to lucid dreaming involves changing perception of dreams. Changing perception involves changing the state of knowledge and/or attention. Changing the state of knowledge requires learning and changing the state of attention requires motivation. I don't see how asking a dc to give a lucid dream every night would either cause somebody to learn that they are dreaming at a given time or create enough stable motivation for them to pay attention to the difference between waking and dreaming in the future.

    3. #3
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      if you were brought up too believe all your dreams are important, and you can be aware throughout the night, your brain would be programmed in the 'right way' you can reprogram your brain but it takes more time and effort, for example by learning how to dild, wild Rcs etc. I have heard of something called DCild, (dream character ild) but i think its still just training your mind to make you aware :-)
      Dream Character Induced Lucid Dreaming (The DCILD Technique)
      Last edited by oneironautics; 04-12-2017 at 03:09 PM.

    4. #4
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      I've studied the subconscious mind, and have had a great fascination for quite some time with this topic from the efficacy of subliminal affirmations to autohypnosis, etc. Theoretically speaking you would think one could easily be hypnotized for lucid dreaming intentions to be implanted in the subconscious, but, sadly, it doesn't quite work like that. Affirmations via repetition can definitely help, especially right before bedtime. But like water droplets, unless you rigorously continue pouring a stream of affirmations into your mind daily, the LD intention will soon evaporate altogether from your subconscious. It's never a one-time fix: to regularly lucid dream takes a lot of work, dedication, practice, and enthusiastic persistence, however, I think hypnosis and other subliminal methods can ultimately help facilitate an LD in conjunction with your normal exercises. It's not a simple task to hack into your dreams; the mind is a supercomputer with a tough security system in place during "sleep mode". We're all searching for a way to crack the code once and for all. All the MILDs and DILDs and WILDs and SSILDs and FILDs are but various hacking methods we utilize in our attempts to bypass that damn security system. The subconscious never sleeps, so you would think the key to unlocking it all would be there. And maybe it is. But in all the methods I've seen and tried so far I haven't had any success with reprogramming it to bring lucid dreams regularly. Who ever manages to write such a "program" is going to become very wealthy and famous - and deservedly so!
      Last edited by AstronomyDomine; 04-12-2017 at 01:05 PM.
      "Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have" -- Eckhart Tolle

    5. #5
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      I don't believe you can actually reprogram your brain to lucid dream every night. But, you can lucid dream at will every night. This is not reprogramming anything, is it simply having a technique that you have mastered at 100% and have no doubt in your mind that you will succeed every single time you try it. This is what I call lucid dreaming at will, and it's possible because ever since about 10 years ago I've been able to do this.

    6. #6
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      It's important to remember that the subconscious is still you. Unless someone were to seriously hit the cosmic lottery, there's no way you could expect asking your subconscious to do something and simply forego any additional effort to work consistently on a regular basis. Asking something like this is an okay idea as long as you use it as a supplement to what you already do... otherwise, don't be surprised when faced with failure.
      TravisE likes this.

    7. #7
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      I've read of dreams here where DCs almost scream at the conscious observer that this is a dream. and still fail to lucidity. There was one dream I had where a stranger hold me and flew me across the sky and said I am stupid for not gaining lucidity and 'buying in' to the dream. And I did gain lucidity. But it was one rare occasion.

      Another time I had done Mantras 'I am dreaming' and fell asleep while the Mantra still played in the audio part. I noticed a huge ass billboard saying : "Dreamviews".
      I actually figured that this was not a dream and there's an random AD for dreamviews next to the freeway

      So as for the advice of others there are better practices. But it's something interesting to look at how you can program the subconscious to help give you clues and to very much direct the dream by actively working with the mind's faculties.

      Try hypnosis and brain waves in combination with subconscious programming to do some hacking. Something I have been meaning to do but failed to do so for a long time.. You can definetely work on dream control and hypnosis from the slumber-trance state etc. so you don't have to be in a dream per-say to do all this.

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