So for some background, I'm not the most experienced lucid dreamer ever. I've gotten lucid a total of 6 times to date, most of which occurred "naturally" (as in I didn't use a method like MILD before falling asleep). I started trying to practice MILD a few months ago, but life got busy and I haven't really consistently practiced for about 4 months, but as I said I have about one "natural" lucid dream a month.

The thing that's weird is the way I usually get lucid. I have had a dream where I just randomly, with no dream sign or significant event, got lucid, but most of the time I will be dreaming about wanting to go to sleep and get lucid, and then "fall asleep" in the dream while using a lucid dreaming technique. I will then get lucid in the dream inside the dream. A few times I did WILD while "falling asleep" in my dream, which is a bit odd because I've never attempted WILD in real life before, but the other night was a bit more unusual. I was dreaming, and I had the vague sense I was dreaming but I wasn't really lucid. I then somehow got the idea that if I wrote down what I wanted to lucid dream about in a notebook and went to sleep I would lucid dream about that thing. I remembered it was a goal of mine to see an old dog of mine in a lucid dream, so I wrote it in the notebook and "fell asleep" in the dream. I then saw my dog and was lucid, even remarking that he was "a different color than in real life" to a dream character.

I guess the reason I'm typing all this out is to see if anyone else has had similar experiences. I find it unusual and I can't find anything online about people having similar things happen to them, so I figured I'd ask. It might make for an interesting discussion