I woke up at 7:00AM today, went back to sleep at around 8:00AM, and I had a very, very long dream (I didn't wake up until 10:03AM). But at the end of the dream, I ended up in some area with a friend, and then all activity other than me and friend being there ceased to exist, like everything just went dead. I realized it was a dream because I though "I hate when my dreams do this... that's it! A dreamsign, I am dreaming!", except even when I lucid, I couldn't do anything. I right away told my friend that we were dreaming, and he a shocked excited look on my face, and I said, "let's go to the stars or something" and as I waited, it was like my dream was trying to change scene, but nothing was happening, it just remained dead. I seem to get these a lot after very long dreams. So, disappointed, as my dream began to fade away, I had a false awakening (clock said 8:13AM) but I didn't realize it, then I had another false awakening in which I went OoB, and I tried to grab my body and get back in but I pulled it onto the floor and thoughts "woops," in which it turned into a jacket, and then I put it on saying I was back in body and I finally woke up for real. (I thought I was having an obe - it was a dream, but I told myself I would try not to have these and cocentrate on lucid dreaming).

But does anyone else get these dead-end dreams that I seem to get once in a while. They are a great dream-sign for me because I always realize it's a dream when that happens, but when going lucid I can't do anything It was like nothing more was to be done in the dream, and the brain was lagging in terms or ending it or something.