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    Thread: Dream Nemesis

    1. #1
      Member PantsParty's Avatar
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      Dream Nemesis

      Let's talk about something i'm starting to notice in dreamers. See, I think we all have a dream nemesis or something of some sort that is always pissing us off in our dreams. I've talked to a few people about things like this, and they, too, have dream nemesis'.

      Now for those of you who aren't hardcore fans of my Dream Journal, which I encourage you to be so, go here. http://dreamviews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33899

      My last public post is about the dream I had last night. In the dream, what I believe to be my dream nemesis showed up- a thug in a purple hoodie. I see him in many of my dreams, and always, he serves as like a beacon or a spy. It's like theres another big group of thugs that are after me, and he gives signals to them when theyre hiding.

      I spoke to a friend who has a dream nemesis in the forum of a giant doll his sister has that comes to life. Everytime he sees this doll, it's the same dream - he pulls a curtain back and finds the doll, which has come to life, and rolls its eyes in the back of its head, sortof like the Undertaker for you avid wrestling fans.

      Do you have a dream nemesis? What do they look like? What do they do that makes them your nemesis? Do you believe you have conquered your nemesis, or are they still around?

    2. #2
      Hatin' on whole wheat ilovefrootloopz's Avatar
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      I don't have a dream nemisis. My dreams are too random.
      My Polyphasic Sleep Blog
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    3. #3
      Member demonmc's Avatar
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      i say that next time you see him you kick the hell out of him and teach him who is the real thug
      '' i belive i can fly'' ''i belive i can touch the sky''

      (r kelly) space jam

    4. #4
      Member Theresa's Avatar
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      Sounds kind of like the opposite of a dream guide.
      I kind of have one, I guess. He's more of a negative presence than an immediate threat, really. It's a really tall, slim man wearing a suit, only instead of a face he just has static... like when you turn a TV to a channel you don't have. He shows up in my dreams all the time and makes me uneasy, but he just follows me and never does anything.
      "It's kind of fun to do the impossible." -Walt Disney

    5. #5
      Member PantsParty's Avatar
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      Originally posted by demonmc
      i say that next time you see him you kick the hell out of him and teach him who is the real thug
      Yeah man, I was gonna.

    6. #6
      Member demonmc's Avatar
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      tampa bay/go buccaneers : )
      mabye if you kick him in and tell him not to come back then that might get rid of him

      or become lucid and make be wearing a flower outfit
      '' i belive i can fly'' ''i belive i can touch the sky''

      (r kelly) space jam

    7. #7
      D.V. Editor-in-Chief Original Poster's Avatar
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      Originally posted by Theresa
      Sounds kind of like the opposite of a dream guide. *
      I kind of have one, I guess. He's more of a negative presence than an immediate threat, really. It's a really tall, slim man wearing a suit, only instead of a face he just has static... like when you turn a TV to a channel you don't have. He shows up in my dreams all the time and makes me uneasy, but he just follows me and never does anything.
      Reminds me of the character "White Noise" from Venture Bros.

      My nemesis, or the closest I can think to one, is this humanoid with a scaly, armored body that looks sort of like the green goblin suit from the spiderman movie, except his skin/armor is black, and he had these fat jaws but they're relatively weak. He bit me a few times but didn't have enough jaw strength to break the skin. I think of him more as the pest-master than a nemesis, he shows up occasionally when I'm chllin' with some DCs and starts chasing us, but sometimes I make friends with him we play basketball, too, so it's hard to say.

    8. #8
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      Here's the only dream I had one:

      I'm on the bus. In the seat in front of me, is my enemy. I hate her. We go way back, trust me. I realize that I have to kill her, or humilate her, witchever comes first. I drop my stuff, get it back, and it blacks out. I'm in my classroom, when, she is in the desk in front of me. The teacher is making a fuss about her, being the greatest student of all time. The teacher assigns some homework, I go home. I lose the cd of homework she assigns me, so I look for it, and can't find it. I finally decide that it is HER fault, and she must be destroyed. I run, and stop at a counter, this guy hands me a cd, and says "This yours?" It's my homework! I thank him, and go up into the sky. I see her. She is actually a robot! She flys torwards me. She asks me If I had a bad day. I say no. She says ok... I can't fire my gun! I find out that I must charge it first. I charge it, and shoot her. It hits her. I charge it up for the final hit, she will finally die, I will be rid of her! I charge it up, and- "AUSTIN WAKE UP!" Screams my brother as I wake up. *silently crys to himself* ONE DAY!

    9. #9
      Member hoppingsnail's Avatar
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      I had a terrible one for awhile- he looked exactly like my dad (of all people). He emerged as my nemesis when I first started doing lucid dreams. He would show up and frighten me somehow, and end the lucid dream.

      Eventually, one dream I had was the last straw- it was a normal dream where I was his slave. I won't go into so much detail, but it was not really a nightmare. It didn't frighten me, it made me mad. Would you believe it? I was ANGRY after this dream. Imagine getting angry at a sily dream character? I became determined to banish him from my dreamworld. So determined, in fact, that I achieved a WILD that very night. I sought him out and defeated him. Haven't seen him since.

      I've actually told this story in more detail on other forums before, so let's just leave it at that.
      Adopted by a nematode-killing-fungus.


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