Okay I haven't tried to WILD in a long long time. I've never before been successfull allthough I beliueve I came pretty close a couple of times. Those times were always in the night, when I didn't want to actually WILD, but still wanted to remain aware as I fell asleep at night anywayz.

These couple of times, and I experienced such Vision last night too, are usually Realistic, immersive, 3 dimentional Images with alot of Depth and high light levels. Most common for me to see are my hands in first person perspective doing something, or Circles and clouds of Smoke rising in front of my eyes; Both with incredible Depth and dramatically increased realism. I am certain that these are the first DreamImages that develop out of simple hypnagogic hallucinations: Colored blobs and bright stripes..etc

Now here's my problem with these short lived hyperrealistic DreamImages:
As soon as I become fully aware of the newly formed DreamScenes they Vanish!. As if the Moment that my attention shifts to the DreamEnviroment I was beholding lowly conscious for some time it suddenly falls appart like an illusion.
A very convincingly realistic Illusion I must say. Sometimes, without even knwowing it, I find myself all participating in this DreamEnviroment, my mind being fully occucpied with things I am doing in there. In dreams I'm always so busy. But the moment that I "Snap out of it", become aware of my enviroment and that is is a Dream; SHOOWSH! gone. I have maybe 2,5 seconds left to behold the DreamScene Consciously before it just falls appart into darkness and random, simple hypnagogia.

I've heard of people saying that they watched these DreamImages with a sort of "Desinterrest" and sort of Disconnected of it. Like they were not involved in the dreamscene but that they were just Watching it as an non-participating Observer. Now I have no clue as to how to put myself in such an Observer roll that I can continue to Consciously watch these DreamScenes from while the DreamScenes keep developping further and further into a fully immersive, realistic, 3D, interactive DreamScene. I was wondering if anyone could help me as to how to be able to enter those, Just formed, Dream scenes without them falling appart as I become aware of them.

I mean to make a List of Techniques as to where to go from the stage I get with WILDing. It may be helpfull to alot of Dreamers.

PJ's technique:
First, it isn't something I can always do, but when I'm "in the zone," it's easy. I've been looking at those circumstances that seem favorable to it, which I've identified mostly as mornings after I've already had an LD or two. I have never once pulled this off right on going to bed at night - but I have a couple times during mid-day naps.

When it works, it goes like this; I concentrate as intensely as possible on the HI. For me, it starts out as blobby lights and patterns, which then start resolving into 2d images, and from there into 3d images. Once the 3d stuff starts, I have to be careful, because if I "hold on" too tight the same thing happens to me that you experience. So right at that point, I have to allow myself to "lose it" - briefly. I don't know how else to explain this.

When it works right, I then find myself fully in the dream - and immediately remembering that I'm dreaming. The trick then is to establish my "dream body" and then start interacting.

That's one of my WILD experiences. A very different one has me laying there without HI - concentrating on my body and the sensations as it goes to sleep. When this works, it results in an experience that could easily be confused with an OBE... I literally get up out of my sleeping body in the same room and go into dreamland from there. (I've done the tests for OBE and they always fail.) I can exercise typical lucid control in these dreams.[/b]