Well it has been a very long time since i've posted here and wow, has my Lucid dreams really gone up. I don't know what it is. I started having Lucid dreams since the first week i looked this stuff up. I'm thinkin im kinda a natural at it but ive never really knew what i was doing. okay anyways, im getting about 3 lucid dreams a week and the all start off like this:

I'm flying through this dark tunnel and going like really, really fast. well then all these block things start flying past me. you know the blocks that have the letter on them that little kids play with? yeah, those things. well im flying for about a minute then i come to the end of the tunnel and i float to the ground. theres a little door there and i walk over and open it up. inside, its a very white and bright bathroom. kinda like heaven-looking. and all it is, is a row of bathroom stalls as far as the eye can see. haha well its just a row of them and they keep going and going and going. well i just open one of the stalls and its like a door to a dream. every time i open one, its to a different place. pretty cool huh? idk, i just havent heard anybody talking about this and its sooo cool.