Well, you have the same personality in an LD as you do in waking life. Lucid dreaming doesn't change you at all. thats rubbish.
Some people have them naturaly. your mind wouldnt naturaly do something that hurts you, unless its not working right. and all you have to do is talk to a lucid dreamer to know they arent brain damaged.

also, you'll be able to tell the difference between the dream world, and waking life. trust me. i KNOW when im awake, with no question. I just don't always know im asleep.
you'll read a lot of lucid dreams, where people talk about how "incredibly life like and real it felt". and that's true, it can be very life like and real. but it always has a "dreamy" feeling to it. its not exactly the same.

and dude, getting in touch with your subcounscious, can't be a bad thing. your subcounscious plays a huge role in your daily waking life. people pay thousands of dollars to therapists, in hopes they can tell them what the hell is happening in their subcouncious. save the dough and lucid dream.
