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    1. #1
      The avatarless one
      Join Date
      Oct 2007

      How to remember to do tasks in lucid dreams?

      Even though I have lucid dreams every night, I tend to be incredible stupid in them. If I try, I know that I can remember things from my waking life, but I never really remember to stop and think if there is anything I'm "supposed" to do. So, when I change and manipulate a lucid dream, I end up doing what I feel like doing there and then.

      I love the task of the month here on DV, but I've only finished a couple, and I have only done them because at the time I was in that lucid dream, I for some reason ended up stopping and thinking of things I had told myself to do. I wish I did this on a regular basis. If I could manage to do set tasks in my lucid dreams, it would be like taking them to the next level.

      My question is, how can I accomplish this, remembering to do set tasks when in a lucid dream? The getting lucid part and actually carrying out the task is not a problem to me once I've remembered to do it.

    2. #2
      I am become fish pear Abra's Avatar
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      It's harder to suggest for you, since you've been having lucid dreams like these naturally. If you didn't, I'd suggest recalling your set task whenever you reality check in real life. So I'll suggest something similar. Try repeating your goal to yourself as you fall asleep, telling yourself you will remember it in your dream. Write your dream goal in your dream journal before you go to sleep, and during any WBTB you may do. The key in your case is to get your goal in your mind just before dreaming.

      Also, focus on one goal at a time. It's much more rewarding to have a fleshed out dream where you do one goal well than a dream filled shallowly with many half-ass completed goals.

      Quote Originally Posted by OldSparta
      I murdered someone, there was bloody everywhere. On the walls, on my hands. The air smelled metallic, like iron. My mouth... tasted metallic, like iron. The floor was metallic, probably iron

    3. #3
      Member aceboy's Avatar
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      Nov 2007
      i believe billybob talked about this,

      by billybob not aceboy
      Rehearse Your Lucid Experiences

      I've always found that a good tool for getting lots of lucid dreams is wanting lots of lucid dreams.
      How do you create deep and intense desires to lucid dream? Give yourself a small taste of what will come when you finally have one.

      Every night as your falling asleep take about 1-2 minutes to rehearse what you will do that night in the event that you become lucid. Imagine this scenerio vividly, remind yourself that this is what will happen later tonight (don't see it as something unobtainable or imaginary, but as fact).
      Live out the lucid experience twice in your mind, go step by step with what you'll do.

      Heres an example of how I do this:

      Hmm, what will I do tonight? I know, I'll go climbing on mount Everest!
      My dreams have been happening indoors lately, so I guess I'll do this:

      First, to ground my lucidity, I'll kneel down and examine whatever object I find. The whole time I'm looking at this object I'll be thinking about how its merely a dream object, made by my mind.
      I get up and find the nearest mirror for teleportation.
      After I've found the mirror I'll stand in front of it and state aloud my intention of where I want it to take me: a forest at the base of Mount Everest.
      I'll dive through the mirror and find myself at Everest's base.
      I'll climb it in whatever way I see fit.

      Notice that I never tell myself what the effect of my actions will be.
      Never say: "I'll jump through the mirror and feel it all liquidy on my skin", instead just let your mind make up whatever feeling it will give when it happens.

      Also don't ruin your adventures by going through exactly what will happen when you reach whatever you were trying to reach.
      These rehearsals are done so that when you finally get lucid, you'll remember exactly what you were wanting to do. This is so at the very start of your lucidity, your cloudy mind will be able to take the steps necessary to gain full lucidity. Also, doing a nightly rehearsal will, as I said earlier, motivate you to become lucid that night.
      You kill two birds with one stone.
      (note: I wrote this tutorial on which steps to take to get fully lucid)
      Total LD's-9

      Adopted by NeAvO

    4. #4
      The avatarless one
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Both your suggestions sound great. Thanks, I'll try them out!

    5. #5
      The avatarless one
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      WOW! I did both of your suggestion, as I noticed that I was slipping into the hypnagogic state, I reminded myself over and over again to rub my hands once I was lucid in a dream. I also reminded myself throughout my day. What can I say, it worked.

      Thank you soo much, I got it on my first try! I remembered to rub my hands together, and even though my dream didn't seem to get much vivid, it made me think much clearer, and increased my lucidity a lot. I'm so amazed by this dream that I'm having difficulties falling back asleep! I'll update my dream journal tomorrow.


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