So ive noticed something else that is usually common with my dreams, im always trying to find something or get somewhere, but i can never quite find it, or get there.

I just woke up from a dream where i went to a friends house for a party, and it ended up with me peeling out of there and wrecking someones crops with my Toyota T-100. I was drunk, so i was hauling ass. I went to a suburban city residential area and parked my car and went into someones house at random. I was trying to play it off like i knew them, just so i could store some extension cords and my gamecube there. eventually they let me, but then these two old ladies kept trying to give me candy bars. I took 2 king size butterfingers and some skittles and i was on my way. Once i left i couldnt find my car for the life of me and i kept wandering the streets, almost getting hit by cars. frustrating for 2 reasons: i couldnt find my car, and i couldnt realize i was dreaming.

That brings me to another point, has anyone been injured (like hit by a car) when theyre dreaming? what happens?