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    1. #1
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      Question If you resolve a conflict while dreaming, do you resolve it in RL?

      What do you think?

    2. #2
      Yay Avatar working Dizko's Avatar
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      What kind of conflict?

      If you mean an inner conflict, such as a phobia, then yea sure why not.

      If you mean a conflict between you and another person, No.
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    3. #3
      BICYCLE RIGHTS Catbus's Avatar
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      Yeah, it depends on the type of conflict. Anything that is related to self-control issues or phobias probably could be resolved, but an amputee probably couldn't grow their missing limb back.

    4. #4
      with the power of 28!! seeker28's Avatar
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      I've found that dreams are a great place to explore and resolve inner confilcts. However, depending on how deeply disturbing and/or intrenched the problem is, it can take more than one LD confronting and working to resolve it to "fix" it for the long term.

      Plus with things that scare the pants off of you IWL, yes you can use dreams to get more comfortable with them. If one of your fears is something like being eaten alive by a shark you can become less afraid of the sight of sharks, and even being in the water witrh sharks. However, if you have the bad luck of actually being bitten by a shark in waking life, it probably will still scare the crap out of you, obviously.
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    5. #5
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      I don't think an amputated arm would be a conflict.. Maybe you could have some kind of acceptance issue about having an amputated arm. I could see that being the case.

      Yah, I was wondering about conflicts we have between people also. Wouldn't the reason we have conflicts between people probably have something to do with ourselves?

      A lot of times when someone I am often around in RL (like a family member or friend) is in one of my dreams they usually act differently. Maybe it's my mind's way of revealing to me something about that person or how I'm dealing with them?

      I guess I lean towards looking at dreams in a very symbolic way rather than just random stuff created carelessly by my mind.

      I sometimes wonder if the things in my waking life are just symbols for me to learn from as well.

      ...life is but a dream.

    6. #6
      with the power of 28!! seeker28's Avatar
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      I agree that LDing about people you are having conflicts with in waking life can be helpful. Often, like stateofmind mentioned, the dream reveals things about myself or about the other person that I wasn't aware of that are adding to the conflict. I also like to talk to the DC of the person to practice what I might say in waking life.
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    7. #7
      21 lucid PSPSoldier534's Avatar
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      I think internal conflicts can be resolved. You can also prepare. I would REALLY like to spend several lucid dreams thinking of gimmicks and ideas for my game mod, then test them out in Real-Time.
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    8. #8
      Member HonerableMoUsE's Avatar
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      yes, it is possible...it comes down to kharma and love. . .
      its easy if that other person has moved on from your conflict. . .for example, if it was a bad fight between you and a friend back in high school, and now you both are grown up and went your own ways, then it is perfectly fine to solve that old kharmic hiccup in a dream, or meditating. Just replay the conflict in a dream or while in deep meditation but give it a positive outcome.
      But, this is also possible even if you are still in contact with someone you're in a conflict with.
      this is how you do it:

      Dattatreya Siva Baba said, "love one another unconditionally and you will be enlightened."
      we all must understand that there is really no such thing as forgiveness; to forgive is to forget, right!? but we might never forget about that particular conflict, and our kharma definitely won't forget.
      so , what we must do to truely forgive is to love. This is the hardest to swallow for you since you are always surrounded by people you don't like (potentially).
      But, the wonderful thing is that if you keep at it, you will find your energy will change and thus your life experiences will change, and you will find unconditional love flowing out from you to everyone else easier.
      So when it comes down to conflict, it comes down to energy and clearing that bad kharma. So you can see that if you can forgive someone but can't yet extend your love to them, then there's still some bad kharma there for you to fix.
      It is socially acceptable to view conflict as something between two human beings that must be worked out between the two human beings...but the correct way to look at ALL conflict in life is internally. Energetically speaking, we are like onions; with each layer being different past emotions, feelings, energy, habits. All of this emanates out, and attracts the same life experiences over and over. To truly fix conflict in life, we must take a good look into our selves.
      So, its not pointless to fix a conflict with someone one on one. . . that is just a good starting point. to spiritually mend the wound, it comes down to YOU and YOU only. The other person no longer has a purpose in conflict, for they are just loyal actors in a scene you created with your own vibrational energy. You will learn that as you practice allowing unconditional love, all conflicts will be solved or avoided altogether, without you more or less lifting a finger.
      Last edited by HonerableMoUsE; 11-04-2008 at 03:34 PM.

      "It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."-Emerson
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    9. #9
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      Quote Originally Posted by HonerableMoUsE View Post
      to spiritually mend the wound, it comes down to YOU and YOU only.
      This is the part I sometimes have a problem with. Isn't that a soliptic way of looking at things? When I think about that I feel lonely. I know I'm probably mistaken but that's just the general impression I get from it.

      What you said definitely rings true in my mind. Loving everyone and everything unconditionally sounds like the right way... but damn it's hard. It's hard to put your guard down like that and give up all that pride you've worked up over the years.

      It's so much easier in dreams though! I wonder why that is?

      If reality is only one very concrete lucid dream and I discovered this truth without any doubt for myself, I imagine after a while I'd probably just want to forget everything again and go back into the animal kingdom as some clueless animal.

      Is it wrong that I hope it's something more?

    10. #10
      Member HonerableMoUsE's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by stateofmind View Post
      It's so much easier in dreams though! I wonder why that is?

      If reality is only one very concrete lucid dream and I discovered this truth without any doubt for myself, I imagine after a while I'd probably just want to forget everything again and go back into the animal kingdom as some clueless animal.

      Is it wrong that I hope it's something more?
      It is hard. . .its much easier said than done. I think its easier to work things out in your dreams because you're in a pure meditative state.
      its not wrong to hope for something more, that's human nature. It is everyone's birthright to use their lives as a chance to reach Oneness.
      The good part of all this is that you won't begin your path to oneness until you are mentally and spiritually prepared; that means shedding all your "onion peels" which is a very intense experience. But, judging by your response and philosophy on the matter, I would say you have already begun on your path.
      At this point, look at everything that happens to you as a learning experience. Everything that goes wrong, every conflict you get in, its all energetically pre-determined;your life and all the experiences that come with it are manifested by you to help you. You must face each episode with an open heart. Whenever you hit a snag in life, step back and look at it and ask yourself, what can I learn from this? Believe it or not, if it seems the world is against you then that means you're well on your way to getting rid of these built-up layers of emotion and such.

      It is a very personal process. But it doesn't have to be a lonely process. There will always be people in your life.
      Just thinking about all this, you're already setting a new vibration rate, as your vibration rate and energy changes, people will leave and new people will come into your life. Each person you come in contact with, each relationship you have is set up for a reason, its your job to learn why these people are in your life and to learn from them, and to learn from these relationships.

      I don't think you will go back to being a clueless animal. . .unless you really wanted to be. . .I wouldn't mind being a cat. . .

      "It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."-Emerson
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    11. #11
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      Hey great response HonorableMouse! I wouldn't mind being a cat either

    12. #12
      Member HonerableMoUsE's Avatar
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      glad i could help.

      "It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."-Emerson
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    13. #13
      I am become fish pear Abra's Avatar
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      Clueless animal? Animals aren't clueless. My fish have their own social hierarchy. Think of how complex cats must be!

      Back on topic. If you decide to go for lucid dreaming as a remedy to an anxiety or phobia (better than any therapist's cure!), BE PATIENT. Chances are, that anxiety/phobia developed over a long period of time (or, in the case of instant phobias, it festered for a long period of time). Miracles don't happen in a night. You might have to lucid dream on it for over a week before the effects show.

      Quote Originally Posted by OldSparta
      I murdered someone, there was bloody everywhere. On the walls, on my hands. The air smelled metallic, like iron. My mouth... tasted metallic, like iron. The floor was metallic, probably iron

    14. #14
      Member HonerableMoUsE's Avatar
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      yeah. cats know whats up. They have full control over the household.
      whats even more frightening is watching apes. . .seriously, they're so much like humans its eerie...

      "It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."-Emerson
      WILDs: 7
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