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    1. #1
      Member NewVamp's Avatar
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      Sep 2009

      Is this one DILD, or two?

      This morning I was having a dream where I was climbing a ladder in Egypt to save some pandas and be rewarded with coke-a-cola. I was a couple hundred feet up, scared out of my mind, and the wind was trying to blow me off the ladder, when I realized I was dreaming. I closed my eyes and tried to fly off the ladder, but I couldn't (probably because I was so terrified.) I had no control of the dream, so I kept climbing the ladder, and then I lost lucidity and the dream continued.
      A few minutes later I had a false awakening, where I woke up in my bed wearing different pj's and realized I was dreaming, but at that point I figured it was late and I should probably get up, so I woke myself up (now I wish I hadn't done that).
      My question is, should this be counted as 2 DILDs or 1?
      "Everything that exists imagined itself into existence."
      First moments of lucidity: 9/19/09
      DILDs: 12 (all but a few were low control or extremely short)
      WILDs: 1
      Basic ToTM: 1

    2. #2
      fulfilling my dreams Electro_Dreamer's Avatar
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      Jan 2009
      Dude! Here's my opinion. I once had I night kinda like yours with spontaneous lucidity and a bunch of FAs and it was awesome. So technically you had 2 LDs correct but more importantly you had a great night from the perspective of an oneironaught. Focus on the awesomeness of the dream feeling more and happy dreaming .
      TODAY is the greatest day of all!!!

    3. #3
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      under your bed haha Posts: -134
      I would say that it was only one lucid dream, if you woke up between the dream and false awakening than it would have been two. I would say that its only one because it was only one dream, and yeah you shouldn't have gotten up from the FA, but its OK you will have many more lucid dreams to do stuff in. I've always wanted to have an FA, always wanted to know what it was like.


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    4. #4
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      I would post it in my DJ like this:

      Quote Originally Posted by NewVamp View Post
      This morning I was having a dream where I was climbing a ladder in Egypt to save some pandas and be rewarded with coke-a-cola. I was a couple hundred feet up, scared out of my mind, and the wind was trying to blow me off the ladder, when I realized I was dreaming. I closed my eyes and tried to fly off the ladder, but I couldn't (probably because I was so terrified.) I had no control of the dream, so I kept climbing the ladder, and then I lost lucidity and the dream continued.
      FA: I woke up in my bed wearing different pj's
      and realized I was dreaming, but at that point I figured it was late and I should probably get up, so I woke myself up (now I wish I hadn't done that).
      My question is, should this be counted as 2 DILDs or 1?
      So what happened when you went non-lucid? Don't get too caught up whether it was two or one! I would count it as one dream where you lost lucidity and regained it, which I think is cooler anyway, because then you can start to link your dreams together. I'd rather have one epic lucid dream than a bunch of short ones. I think the multitude of people posting their number of lucid dreams in their signature can make one think that is the most important thing, but it's not. The most important thing is to have fun, because we all know, fun rules!

      I see here you already learned two lessons: when you are dreaming, you are invincible. If I was on a ladder like that, and I couldn't fly, I would just jump off (if I was lucid.) Doing the exact thing you are afraid of helps to maintain lucidity.

      You also learned not to wake yourself up, because your dream self has no idea what time it is in waking life. Good job on learning those lessons!

    5. #5
      Member NewVamp's Avatar
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      When I went non-lucid, I finished climbing the ladder, then my vision switched to 3rd person (which rarely happens) and i saw myself hanging from the top. Then I "woke up" into the FA.
      I never did find out what happened to those pandas, or get my coke
      As far as keeping count, I'm mainly doing that right now to keep my confidence up. I'll probably stop counting when I get better at it, but for now I just like to think that I've become lucid 4 times and I know I can do it again! (I hope.)
      Last edited by NewVamp; 09-30-2009 at 05:19 AM.
      "Everything that exists imagined itself into existence."
      First moments of lucidity: 9/19/09
      DILDs: 12 (all but a few were low control or extremely short)
      WILDs: 1
      Basic ToTM: 1


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