Homework- Submission

Last Bed time: 04:00 am - Wake up time: 07:45 am
2nd Bed time: 09:00 am - Wake up time: 12:00 am

I do reality check after every 1 hour. The techniques i am following are:

1. Awareness

Next Lucid Dream Goal: I will make any object appear.

Night-time routine:
- I read my last night dreams from my dream journal before sleeping and visualized them and asked my self that i should have lucid When specific things happened.

- I recorded my sleeping time in my dream journal before sleeping.

- I Visualized my next LD Goal before sleep.

- I plugged my nose before sleeping.

Last Night Experience:

I recalled 3 dreams last night. Dreams vividness were normal. I had more dreams but could recalled only 3 dreams and those were very less detailed. These dreams were not lucid.

Above experience is after 11th day of following DILD technique during the day of 16/12/2012.

My dreams titles are:

1. Celebrities
2. Paranormal
3. My Car Stolen

To view my dreams please click on following link: 17-12-2012 - Dreams - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

Today's Routine:

My chosen techniques are DILD, awareness and WBTB. And It is my 12th day to following DILD and awareness. My whole day I am doing RCs and awareness after every one hour.

I will follow these techniques max 2 weeks to see if that works are not.

Waiting for response.

