Okay, it was longer than a moment, but definitely not for the entire dream.

Today, I had a dream where I was getting on a ski lift with my friends. One of my classmates was next to me, talking about the music of a video game (which is odd, seeing as he’s not really a video game person. He was singing the Gusty Gardens theme from Super Mario Galaxy. I was in the middle of the seat. I think it was a four person ride, but I’m not sure who was sitting next to me on the other side.

There was a ton of snow and it was a really sunny day. I kept cupping my hand over one side of my face to keep the reflection away. I looked down at the hills and thought they were really steep. I saw a few mogul fields and a bunch of slopes that looked like they were double blacks. Some even looked vertical. I was nervous.

We get to the top and it’s time to get off. I’m not very nervous about this, seeing as I’m a big skier and I do this all the time. Like most places, there’s a clear area for you to get off and then a bunch of pine trees behind it, and, behind them, another slope. For some reason, instead of slowly getting off the lift, I rocketed forward and up, way above the pine trees and flying over the next slope. I was terrified, but then, I thought, “Wait a minute, this would never happen, I must be dreaming.” So I closed my eyes, stuck out my arms, and tried gliding. I continued to fall, but at a much slower pace. The slope below me was very shallow and easy, like a bunny hill. They had poles on either side with a bunch of flags strung between them (sort of like at pools, those upside down triangle flags). With my gliding, I just barely made it over the flags. I closed my eyes and tried to convince myself gravity did not exist. I landed on the ground somewhat softly, and tumbled with my skis like I would in real life. However, it felt like I was barely brushing the ground when I rolled down.

I had a false awakening and lost lucidity. I almost kicked myself when I woke up in real life for not doing an RC there, too. However, in that second dream, there was a time when I saw empty animal bowls (we have 3 cats and a dog) and thought I had to feed them. Then I remembered that my brother fed them in the morning, not me. This is true in real life. I guess that means the habits from my waking life go over into my dream life. A good sign!