Hi new to forums Ok 2 days ago i learned about lucid dreaming and i have begun experimenting with it. The first night i had little dreaam recollection about some garbage about dragons den.

Last night i attempted it for the second time and i have almost vivid dream recollection i had a dream and died and wrote everything down in my journal and then had a second dream! woke up and wrote it all down (Great success considering its second night) The problem is i never once realised it was a dream and thought it to be real i just remember them very well. My question is how to a realise im in the dream as it seems i don't control or remeber what happens. I carry out dream checks during the day but they dont carry through into the dream? E.g i push my hand with my finger to test for pain etc. etc. Am i doing something wrong or is it just because i am starting and i am on the right track?
