It takes years of intense meditation in a Tibet Tantric Resort NOOB! |
How long did it take you to lucid dream? |
I reject your reality and substitute my own
"If its not all good its not good at all"
LD's - 5img src="" border="0" title="!">
It takes years of intense meditation in a Tibet Tantric Resort NOOB! |
"The world we inhabit is a world we habit-in"
I started trying to have LD's 9 months ago, had my first LD after 3 weeks, using MILD and Reality Checks. Managed a couple more, with one that was really awesome. Then I had to focus on other stuff so I stoppped trying for like 7 months. |
What is mind? No Matter. What is matter? Nevermind. - Homer J. Simpson.
For me it happened by accident. Someone had told me about the idea a few years before. They had told me if i ever realised i was dreaming to look at my hands. I did that, had a trippy lucid dream then came to this forum pretty much. |
"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.
Hit me with music now, oh now, hit me with music, harder, brutalize me". Bob Marley.
"The world we inhabit is a world we habit-in"
I *was* using auto-suggestion (which is just another way of saying self-hypnosis), but a specific kind called, "DASH" Dynamically Anchored Self Hypnosis. It's what they call "eyes open hypnosis" where you don't have to be relaxed with your closed. |
What is mind? No Matter. What is matter? Nevermind. - Homer J. Simpson.
I joined DV last Friday and had my first Induced LD on Wednesday night. Thats.....5 Days |
"The closer you get to the light the greater your shadow becomes"
TygrHawk - "Finally found the TP and cleaned things up. "
Lucid Dreams since Joining: 3
"If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."
"The closer you get to the light the greater your shadow becomes"
TygrHawk - "Finally found the TP and cleaned things up. "
Lucid Dreams since Joining: 3
"The world we inhabit is a world we habit-in"
for me, i got my first 1 week after starting reading here, |
"The closer you get to the light the greater your shadow becomes"
TygrHawk - "Finally found the TP and cleaned things up. "
Lucid Dreams since Joining: 3
I'm just speaking out of hurt |
"The world we inhabit is a world we habit-in"
When i decided to get more serious and sstart that LD thing, it took me a week. My advice would be not to try and attempt only 1-2 methods and then wake up disappointed... Find one that works best for you, and learn to control your emotions, because when i first got my LD, i got really excited and lost it. Be very aware, dreams can be tricky - like last night i was standing on a street thinking how cool it would be to get an LD, only to wake up later and find out the whole thing was actually a dream... |
Well...I started when I was 3, & have been doing it every nite ever since then....does that answer anything? Or am I being a moron again? |
I tried LDing a few times. The first two times nothing happened in a few weeks so I gave up for a while. The third time I found DV and tried. I kept a dream journal for 3 weeks and did regular RCs, but nothing was happening. I decided to use my self-hypnosis that I had been practicing for nearly a year. The night I did the hypnosis I had no dream recall, but the night after that I had an LD. It continued like that for 6 days. One LD a night. My goal was a week of one per night, but I lost it on the last day. |
Sweet, ive been trying for almost a week now, i recently had a dream where my self-conscious tricked me, i posted it up in the newbie zone, and my dream recall is getting better, and my body just woke its self up on the exact time at 2:00 am |
i got my first LD after 2 days of trying ^^. it was a very weird LD. total blackness and i was paralyzed |
<div align="center">Raised by: O'nus</div>
<div align="center">Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting,
dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before </div>
I was lucky enough to buy a NovaDreamer when they were still being sold and I had a lucid dream the first time I wore it. |
used to have hundreds of LDs naturally when i was little.. |
When i started trying to control lucid dreams it took me a month to get any results |
Some are born to sweet deleight
Some are born to endless night
It took me 3 Months to have my first LD. |
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
I started reading things about lucid dreaming in September of last year. |
Mine first LD came out of the random. |
The task of our generation is to cut through the illusion that we inhabit separate worlds. Only then will we find the heart to rise to the daunting but urgent challenges of global disparity. --Losang Rabgey