Hey guys! I've been a DV member for a few months now, but I still considered myself a newb. Until last night. I'd quite honestly been losing my motivation, but last night- I'm not quite sure why- I suddenly looked around and attained lucidity while walking through a dreamland grocery store. I looked at my hands, spun around, did all the typical stabilization techniques, and started messing with my environment. I was amazed by how real everything felt at the time, and I have the memory of the experience, though it all seems a bit hazy in retrospect. I assume this will change as my recall continues to improve. But I was wondering, how often is a first-time LDer able to do things like summon a friend, or will his bedroom to materialize behind a random door? Maybe it's because I've spent so much time poring over the dream control forums, but I did think to myself while I was asleep that it didn't seem like I should be able to do these things quite yet. Admittedly, summoning my bedroom quickly resulted in the loss of my lucidity. Once I was back in a familiar environment, I think I slipped back into a semi-lucid state. It's crazy though, and I am officially re-motivated.