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    1. #1
      Member SteelSovereignty's Avatar
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      Post A Polyphasic Sleeper and a Lucid Dreamer

      Hey,before I ask a couple of questions I would just like to take a few seconds and introduce myself because I feel my situation is probably alot different then everyone else's.

      I am a polyphasic sleeper and I'm doing a particularily unique version too. Polyphasic sleep means that I only sleep about 2 and a half hours per day spread out as 20 minute naps. I am doing a version known as SPAMAYL, it allows me to sleep whenever I am tired, or whenever I feel like trying out LD techniques, I find this VERY helpful, and far superior to how most people sleep. If you are interested I highly recommend you check out the "TryPolyphasic" forums.

      Something interesting about sleeping this way is that I now have almost no trouble falling asleep. Knowing this I figured I'd attempt to learn WILD as I would be able to perform it at virtually any time of the day I wanted. After about a month of passive attempts and 24 very intense attempts today and yesterday I feel that I have almost completly got it down. While I still haven't been able to pull off a full blown LD at will, I can pretty much garuntee that I will be able to acheive SP within 10 minutes of lying down.

      Now, here is where my trouble is: transitioning into a dream. 1 of 2 things generally happen before I can acheive an LD. The first is that I am unable to stay concious and fall asleep (however I have gotten MUCH better at preventing this and it almost never happens anymore). The other is that I am in SP for 10 mins or more and my alarm goes off and wakes me up. I have a feeling that if I just set my alarm longer and stayed in SP that I would acheive an LD no problem, however my polyphasic schedule will not allow me to have naps longer than 20 minutes, and I dare not try and change that and break something that has taken me almost a month to build.

      So I ask you, is there a way that I can jump into a WILD quickly? REM sleep is not the problem here, whenever I don't try to WILD and fall asleep normally I almost always recall dreams. I'm thinking I should start a DJ here, is this a good idea?

      Thank you for any answers.

      How do I jump into dreams from SP very quickly?

    2. #2
      • The Dream Guide • Siphorix's Avatar
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      ...There is a reason why the body naturally sleeps for 6+ hrs at a time... Even if scientists have or haven't validated anything yet, SOMETHING is getting altered and messed up by that sleep pattern.

      20mins? ... That means your LD can only last at most 10 minutes... That doesn't sound that great.

      A dream journal would be excellent.

    3. #3
      Dream Guide-Trainee SillyDreamer's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by SteelSovereignty View Post
      How do I jump into dreams from SP very quickly?
      Roll down, sink down to your bed, or just get up and walk into your dream. It is just simple.
      To fulfill your Sleep, you have to Dream,
      To fulfill your Dreams, you have to Wake up.

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