Hello, My Name is Dan.
I have been trolling this forum for some time now but never really got deep into LD.

For Years iv had Recall problems and i seem to have fixed it.
Now that i can recall my NORMAL dreams I registered a Account at the best
Dreaming Forum and want to start to LUCID dream!

I found having a Glass of Warm or Cold milk before bed helps me remember,
Of course I have a Dream Journal and tell myself I will remember!
But the milk helps for some reason

So now I’m going to list Two dreams I had, one was last night, and the other was the night before.
Let me first remind you that I could not remember almost any dreams before this!
so when I dreamt I thought it was REAL, because of how vivid.

I was in my front yard playing with my dog and these three men walked up.
This one asked me to go inside and get my dad.
I said why. What do you want?
He then pulled out a gun, I was so Freaked I saw the gun, the model and everything!
It was a Grey Walther P22.
And he pressed it against my chest.
I could feel my heart stop, it felt so real, like he was about to kill me.
I could feel the sweat on my face, dripping down.
The Dog Barking at the man in slow motion.
Felt like it lasted for hours!
Then I heard a Pop.
My eyes Unstuck on the gun and fallowed the noise,
And saw my dog had been shot, dead.
One of the other men shot my dog while the main man was keeping me at bay.
I felt a tear roll down my face, then heard another pop.
And I woke up crying...

I was not hurt but I thought it was real and thought my dog and I where dead.

Smaller then the first!

I’m not going into detail but I was fighting with my brother, like we do all the time.
And then I started to float into the sky.
I randomly started to fly.
I thought to myself, IM DREAMING!
But I still did not have control.
It was like a movie. And I could keep shouting IM DREAMING IM DREAMING
And know and BELIVE it.
But I kept flying, I had to watch myself go higher and higher.

So now to MY Question

I’ve got Recall under control.
But how do I turn a dream LUCID?
Even if I know I’m dreaming I don’t have control.

If You Read it All
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