Hi guys.

Newb here. So I was reading up on what I should do for my first attempt last night, and I wanted to start off by working on my dream recall. The first step advised was to let "I will remember my dream" be the last thought I have. So I continued to play this over and over in my head, and accidentally almost slipped into a WILD scenario xD oh dear

I started to see absolute pitch black and small lights, and I felt a heavy weight on my chest. This was all really trippy, but then my heart started to race really quickly and I got worried so I broke out of it. I got up to play solitaire for about half an hour (Good way to get yourself sleepy) and went back to bed. Within 5 minutes of me going back to bed the feeling started again without me even trying to WILD, and at this point I was getting worried. Played solitaire for another half hour, and then went back to bed; same thing happened.

Just wondering if this is normal?

Oh and also how did you start dream recalling?

