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    1. #1
      Lurker IrishBear's Avatar
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      Dec 2010

      Cool Future Pro Dream right Here ;P

      Ok, sorry for the arrogance, just having some fun . So I go by IrishBear, and I've never been a true lucid dreamer. I had my first lucid dream, I think 3 Years ago, and ever since have been curious about finding out how to do it more often. I never once thought to search online for others =D. Silly me

      Anyways, I've been trying to go lucid for the past week or two, my dream recall has always been very, very clear, and good. The problem is, how often I recall. When I do remember my dreams, I remember almost every detail. Outside of my dreams, my memory is actually terrible, sometimes I swear I need sticky notes .

      So when I started this adventure about two weeks ago, for the first three days, maybe four I remembered all of my dreams, down to the T, kept a dream journal, etc. Now I cannot remember anything, not sure if its due to my erratic sleeping schedule (I'm a late sleeper, I work nights and go into work at 3pm-11:45ishpm and don't get to sleep until around 4am, but I do get a full 8 hours) I will mention this, when I did stop remembering my dreams is about the time my son stopped going to Daycare for Holiday Vacation, and thus he was always making noise, so maybe thats it?

      Though as of tomorrow night I'll start getting to bed as soon as I get home, as I have one day off this week and plan on trying to get my sleep schedule back on track.

      I used to be a pretty terrible insomniac and thus sleeps always been a distant light away, but now I'm back to "normal" sleep. Anyways, I take 5HTP, Choline Bitartrate and Vitamin B12/B6, not entirely for the purpose of lucidity, but figured I'd mention it. Anyways I guess I have some "questions"

      I like listening to music while I sleep, though while trying to become lucid I've stopped, figuring it might distract me from focusing on trying to become lucid (This true?). The next thing is, I've heard, that its better to focus on the fact that you will have a lucid dream, and not exactly what the dream is about. For instance, I've always had fun with trying to "set up" my dreams before I fall asleep, by visualizing exactly what I'll be doing in the dream, kinda like a pre-game show for a football game. Problem is, its never actually come to fruition in the dream all the time, or even half the time.

      Problem is, at this point, I dont know which method of inducing a lucid dream I should focus on, and to be honest I know very little of the techniques (WILD, MILD, etc.) but I do know one involves waking up early, then going back to sleep, then one involves "mediating into the dream" (I think?). Either way, I can do both, I'm no master at mediating, but I'm familiar with it and have done it many times.

      Ok before I have enough text to make a small novella, I'll stop and let someone put there 2 cents in. Any tips from what you read from this long post (and if you didn't read it all, I understand)?

    2. #2
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      Matte87's Avatar
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      Hey Irishbear and welcome to DV! It's great that your recall is awesome when you do have it, it will make your lucid dreams alot more memorable and enjoyable. Keep on writing in your DJ and improve your recall every day. There are some techniques you can use to adjust your sleeping schedule. Check out the Wiki Wiki - Dreamviews Lucid Dreaming Community & Resource

      WBTB = Wake Back To Bed. Is a technique where you wake up earlier than you usually do, stay up for some time, with the intentions of becoming lucid when you go back to sleep. It works great for alot of people, and ups your chances alot.

      Which technique suits you and your sleeping schedule best is up to you. Try them all out and see which one fits. If you can't afford or just can't WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dream) then perhaps MILD is something for you. It relies on intentions and mantras just before you fall asleep.

      Read up in the wiki, and if you have any questions after that, feel free to ask them here or PM me or any of the other Dream Guides.

      Enjoy your stay, and keep on dreaming!

      Previous Lucid Task: Flying [X]
      Next Lucid Task: Telekinesis [ ]
      2012 - LD's: 17 | Dreams: 24 - Updated every now and then...
      Need help? Don't feel like asking a question in the forum? Send me a PM!

    3. #3
      Lurker IrishBear's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2010

      I've had excellent dream recall in the past few since last posting. My DJ is slowly getting more entries, I have about 20 thus far since posting last. Though I must say, I do not have a single dream sign that I have noticed. Not one thing, seems to be repeating, a sign, an even, a person, or place, nothing seems to be repeating itself.

      My goal is to become lucid at least once before my Birthday in Late April, which I plan on having accomplished much sooner

      Anyways, is it normal for there to be no Dream Signs, or at least ones that are hard to recognize?

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