thanks for the help haha |
| new to this site and lucid dreaming..I just need a little help. Ive already started my dream journal (which im very excited to fill up). I understand you have to "build up" your dream recall to have a lucid dream. The only thing im confused about is reality checks..I just cant quite grasp the concept...please help! lol |
thanks for the help haha |
through out the day perform things that would appear strange in your dream, take a minute through out your day to ask "Am I dreaming?" and then continue to do something that assures you you're either awake or dreaming. For example look in a mirror, in a dream your reflection will not be the same, same with your hands, they will be deformed in some way, by checking through out the day, you will begin to check in your dreams, thats basically it. |
A reality check is exactly what it sounds like. It's an action or test you perform in order to determine whether you are dreaming or not. It will usually be something that is guaranteed to act differently when you are in a dream. If you practice doing them throughout your day, you will be able to perform them in a dream when you realize something doesn't seem right. The idea is that when you perform the RC during the dream, it will prove that you are dreaming and cause you to become lucid. |
Okay cool...I have a better understanding now, thanks everyone! |