Hello everyone.
I'm new to the forum and I made it a habit of always introducing myself whenever I am somewhere new. I have a few questions, but it's going to be a bit of a long read since it needs a bit of an introduction.

The main reason I signed up here is my recent intrest in the field of lucid dreaming. I have been reading this forum for the last hour or so and at the same time I was having a discussion with someone about Lucid dreaming. The subject of the conversation eventually changed into the dangers of Lucid dreaming. Now I've been told there are several. Not being able to tell if you're dreaming or awake anymore, getting addicted to lucid dreaming, and bringing back spirtual enteties. I am not worried about the first two, I have always found that I have a good sense to tell fact from fiction and I haven't had an addiction ever in my life. The 3rd one bothers me though, and the more I started reading about it the more worried I became.

I have been able to lucid dream for a while now, I can't do it at will but even before I knew about the whole lucid dreaming I had dreams every once in a while where I knew or I realised I was dreaming. A while ago I came accross the reality check method of checking a clock in your dream (the article said that clocks would always change in a dream), and afterwards the following nights I remember that on several ocasions I released by checking a clock in my sleep that I was dreaming and being able to influence my dreams from that. I have had good and bad expiriences with this.

Anyway, I never really bothered myself with this until a few days ago when I had another lucid dream (the first one in a few months or so) and this started to get me to read about it on the internet. I've been doing so since the last couple of days now and I found that I can recall several dreams from the last couple of nights out of my head that I was able to partially influence. I also noticed myself doing reality checks during the day, and thinking about lucid dreaming when I go to sleep.

All is good and well so far, but here comes the issue I mentioned before about bringing back enteties. Reading up about this tonight has gotten me so worked up that I don't want to go to sleep anymore right now in fear of bringing something with me. It is 2:22am right now, I am alone in my room (I live on my own) and I feel really unease right now.

So my question to all of you, how dangerous is the issue of spirtual beings coming back with you trough the physical world, and how worried should I be about this all? My main reason for being able to want to control my lucid dreams is just to have some fun, to relief some stress from the past day, those kind of things.
