I had been practicing to control my dreams for years and last week I had a complete break through. I was able to throw fire balls out of my hands, fly when I wanted to and did anything I wanted to. Usually Im only able to control my dreams for a certain amount of time then a situation happens where Im being chased. But in my fire ball flying dream I was able to control the dream from beginning to end. I was thinking believe, believe, be fearless. There was another dream where I was able to have sex with a girl that in reality is not possible, then jumping into another dream where Im protecting my girl cousins from someone who broke in. "Fear" Im conquering fear at the moment, because they took one of my cousins and tried to take the other but I didn't let them. He pulled out a gun a started to shoot, I paused for a second and I thought if I got shot but didn't feel anything. Because I was fearful I went back inside the house to get away. I woke up and told myself face fear> and know that you cant die in dreams, you are invisible. You also control other characters minds in your dreams, Ive noticed. If you think he's gonna shoot, well thats what he's going to do because you thought it before he did it. Im curious to see what happens when I conquer fear. In another dream I told my cousin watch this, referring to someone, I said I can turn this person into someone else, which I named the person i wanted him to turn into. This person was seated in a desk chair that turn all the way around, i spun it and turned into that person. She was amazed, she said I can never do that> I told her yes you can just believe, she tried and did it! I said see, you just have to believe. We can also control what the other people in our dreams are thinking.
Once in another dream I was on a space ship escaping from an evil character, when five armored guys with guns surrounded me. I told myself I know kong fu and all of a sudden beat the shit out of all of them. It was awesome. Last night I took sleeping pills because Im jet lagged and wasn't able sleep. I wasnt able to control my dreams at all. It was as if the pill turned off the part of my brain that is usually aware that Im dreaming and that creates the thoughts to be in control. I was protecting a small dog from being attacked by a cat, I punched it two times, it backed off then jumped on my back, clawing my upper thigh lower ass with its feet and clawing my cheeks on both sides, stretching my mouth. I was not in control, my ex girlfriend was watching and a girl that I didn't know. I remember thinking where is the cats owner?, Cant she get it off me!? I couldn't speak because the cat was pulling my cheeks so hard... Never again will I take pills to sleep, unless I travel.
Any thoughts?