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    Thread: hi all

    1. #1
      Member storm's Avatar
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      beautiful San Francisco

      hi all

      i've been registered for a few weeks now but i am just now getting around to posting an intro thread. i'll just cover the basics i guess-i'm female, live in San Francisco with my boyfriend and a fat tabby cat named Wonton, work as a receptionist, design websites and play guitar in my spare time, love music, and have always been interested in Lucid Dreams.

      i had my first lucid dream (that i can remember) when i was a kid, i'm not sure of the age, maybe 7 years old or so. There was a bully in the neighborhood who had given me a problem that day on the way home from school, and over the next week i started having nightmares about it-always i'd be walking down the quiet street i live on and he'd appear out of nowhere and start harassing me. These dreams were scary, and one day i sort of realized i was dreaming and shook my head violently in my dream to get myself to wake up. i woke up, and was relieved that i'd found my way out of that frightening experience. Then the next time it happened, as i went to shake my head to wake up i just suddenly realized wait-if this is a dream i dont NEED to wake up, i can do whatever i want! At that moment the bad guy disappeared, and i was standing there in the middle of the street, thinking-"what now?". i decided i wanted to make all the houses change color, so i proceeded to walk down the street-and i thought "change colors!" and they did-all the houses started turning all these different candy colors, and i was just so happy and so amazed, i started skipping down the street, still commanding them to change colors. The memory of that first lucid dream has stayed with me my whole life. I've had a few since them, but for the most part, up until now i've been too caught up in life, and years would go buy without me having one or even really thinking of them. I have had a few since that one tho. i remember a lot of flying dreams when i was a kid, and i remember how real they seemed, i believe i was lucid in some of these too.

      Recently i've gone through losing someone quite close to me, and i am trying to move on with my life, and i have decided to get back into lucid dreams. I actually came across this site by accident really-i was surfing on another website and someone made a thread called "post links to interesting sites", and someone posted the link to this site, so i thought lucid dreams, hmm, and came to check it out. i didnt realize that so many other ppl were interested in this, and i didnt realize that one could try to induce them-i think thats why i didnt really think about them for a while-i thought it was out of my control, that if i had one great but if not that there was nothing i could do. then i came here (and after that looked around other places on the net) and found out that one COULD induce lucid dreams, and thought-cool...why not try to have some again

      i've had one lucid dream since joining, tho i dont think i was totally lucid, it was still pretty cool. i wish i had enough money to buy the NovaDreamer, but i might try some of the devices talked about in the other forums, that you can make at home for just a bit of money. i'd like to start lucid dreaming again firstly for the pleasure of it-i remember clearly how fun it was and that amazing feeling of freedom-but for other, more personal reasons as well.

      anyways i'm enjoying reading about everyones experiences, and i hope to have more success with LD's soon

      since joining:

      Lucid Dreams: 1
      False Awakenings: 2

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Dear Storm,

      I have 4 cats -- 2 neutered Toms, and two spayed pretty girls. and I have a feral feeding station out in the jungle which I maintain. Cats are wonderful, aren't they.

      Oh, don't get a Nova Dreamer. There was recently a Thread in which everyone expressed deep buyer's remorse for being silly enough to waste their money on such a flimsy piece of trash. I couldn't wait to get one either, and now I don't even know where its collecting dust. They are uncomfortable, and they fire off during your none REM cycles which only wakes you up to no purpose, and then if they do begin to fire off during REM, all that will happen is that the Dream will incorporate Light in some reasonable way in order to disquise its significance. Anybody who has practice Lucid Dreaming long enough knows that Reality Checking and Dream Checklists are the way to go -- one has the most Lucid Dreams by simply Willing to have Lucid Dreams. Also, it seems that there needs to be a certain almost tangible increase in the Level of Consciousness Energy -- when a Dream intensifies in color and vividness, it seems that one become Lucid even without much of a reality check. With nothing seeming out of the ordinary at all one simply realizes that one is dreaming. No Nova Dreamer can do that for you.

      But it will get you into a Giant and very Unexclusive Club of people who have grown to regret the foolishness of having bought an expensive piece of crap to strap on their face before going to sleep.

    3. #3
      Member storm's Avatar
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      beautiful San Francisco
      Leo-thanks for the advice about the NovaDreamer. i didnt see the thread where ppl were talking about being disatisfied with it, but i see your point... i'll probably give it a miss then...and the price-i mean if it were 100 bucks or so it might make sense and be worth trying, but 500 dollars (or whatever it is now) is a LOT of money. i do believe that youre right that its best to try to learn how to have them naturally.

      i have a digital wristwatch that i set to go off every hour, and i was doing reality checks every time it beeped, until i realized that that was kind of pointless because even when i wear it to bed, i dont hear the beep, so whats the use? so now i try to do reality checks at random times throughout the day. i still might try one of the homemade signaling devices tho-i read about one that was a strobe light attached to a timer...one thing is, if i fall asleep with the tv on, the dialogue always gets incorporated into my dream (fell asleep with the Shield on the other day and had dreams of cops ) so maybe a cd where i say "im dreaming" might work...

      i think thats awesome that you have a feral feeding station that you maintain. you mentioned that its in the jungle-do you mean the woods by your house? my kitty Wonton is neutered as well-he was actually a stray that my bf and i found a couple years ago-we were going to go straight home but decided on the spur of the moment to get some wonton noodle soup, and when we parked and got out, there was this skinny tabby cat meowing his head off for help, follwing ppl up and down the street. i couldnt leave him there, so i picked him up and we brought him home. i fully intended to give him some food and then bring him to the shelter the next morning, but....when we got home, i fed him, ate my dinner, made sure he was ok, and went to sit down crosslegged on my bed. the next thing i knew, this kitty jumped up on the bed, came and got on my lap, curled up, and went to sleep. it was then that i knew that this was my kitty and there was no way i could go give him to the shelter and leave him to an unknown fate. i named him Wonton and he turned out to be the most loving kitty i've ever had...he's sleeping in my lap as i'm typing this

      its late here and im going to go to bed in a few mins, i think i'm going to try to WILD (i've come pretty close to being able to do it-i seem to slip into dreams pretty quickly when i go to sleep, much earlier than the 90 mins they say to wait...) can i ask how you learned to have lucid dreams-whats worked for you?
      since joining:

      Lucid Dreams: 1
      False Awakenings: 2


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